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ImageComponentUsages Enumeration

Enum describing buffer usage; not mutually exclusive.

Namespace:  NeoAxis
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core (in NeoAxis.Core.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public enum Usages
  Member nameValueDescription
Dynamic1 Indicates the application would like to modify this buffer with the CPU fairly often. Buffers created with this flag will typically end up in AGP memory rather than video memory.
WriteOnly2 Indicates the application will never read the contents of the buffer back, it will only ever write data. Locking a buffer with this flag will ALWAYS return a pointer to new, blank memory rather than the memory associated with the contents of the buffer; this avoids DMA stalls because you can write to a new memory area while the previous one is being used.
AutoMipmaps4 Mipmaps will be automatically generated for this texture.
RenderTarget8 This texture will be a render target, ie. used as a target for render to texture setting this flag will ignore all other texture usages except AutoMipmap.
BlitDestination16 Texture can be used as the destination of a blit operation.
ReadBack32 Texture data can be read back.
See Also