Click or drag to resize

Scene Class

Represents a scene.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NeoAxis
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core (in NeoAxis.Core.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public class Scene : Component

The Scene type exposes the following members.

Public methodScene
Initializes a new instance of the Scene class
Public propertyAnyData
The user data of the component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyBackgroundColor
The background color of the scene.
Public propertyBackgroundColorAffectLighting
Whether to affect the background color to ambient lighting.
Public propertyBackgroundColorEnvironmentOverride
Public propertyBackgroundSound
Specifies background sound of the scene. Usually it is a music.
Public propertyBackgroundSoundVolumeInEditor
Specifies background sound volume in the editor.
Public propertyBackgroundSoundVolumeInSimulation
Specifies background sound volume in the simulation.
Public propertyBaseType
Gets the base type of the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyBoundsWhenSimulationStarted
Public propertyCachedDirectionalLightsToFastFindByRenderingPipeline
Public propertyCachedObjectsInSpaceToFastFindByRenderingPipeline
Public propertyCameraDefault
The default camera used.
Public propertyCameraEditor
The camera used by the editor in 3D mode.
Public propertyCameraEditor2D
The camera used by the editor in 2D mode.
Public propertyCameraEditor2DPositionZ
Z position of the camera in 2D mode.
Public propertyCloneSupport
Whether the object supports cloning.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyComponents
Gets the collection of the child components.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCreatedByBaseType
Whether the object is created using a base type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyDisplayAreas
Whether to display areas.
Public propertyDisplayCameras
Whether to display development data of the cameras.
Public propertyDisplayDecals
Whether to display development data of the decals.
Public propertyDisplayDevelopmentDataInEditor
Whether to show development data in the editor.
Public propertyDisplayDevelopmentDataInSimulation
Whether to show development data in the simulation.
Public propertyDisplayInEditor
Whether to show the object in the editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyDisplayLabels
Whether to display development data of the labels.
Public propertyDisplayLights
Whether to display development data of the lights.
Public propertyDisplayObjectInSpaceBounds
Whether to display the bounds of the objects in space.
Public propertyDisplayPhysicalObjects
Whether to display physical objects.
Public propertyDisplayReflectionProbes
Whether to display development data of the reflection probes.
Public propertyDisplaySceneOctree
Whether to display the scene octree.
Public propertyDisplaySensors
Whether to display sensors.
Public propertyDisplaySoundSources
Whether to display development data of the sound sources.
Public propertyDisplayTextInfo
Whether to display text information of the development data.
Public propertyDisplayVolumes
Whether to display volumes.
Public propertyDisposed
Whether the object is disposed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorDocumentConfiguration
Gets or sets the configuration data of the object's settings in the editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorReadOnly
Whether the object is read only in the editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorReadOnlyInHierarchy
Whether the object is read-only in the editor with respect to parent objects.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEnabled
Whether the component is enabled. Any functionality of component is not works when it disabled.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEnabledInHierarchy
Determines whether the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and enabled. The object will be enabled only when all parents are enabled, and the property Enabled is enabled.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEnabledInHierarchyAndIsInstance
Determines when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components, is enabled and the object if not part of a resource (it is usual object instance). The object will be enabled only when all parents are enabled, and the property Enabled is enabled.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyStatic memberFirst
Gets first enabled scene.
Public propertyFrustumCullingTest
Enables the frustum culling test.
Public propertyGravity
The gravity applied on the physical objects.
Public propertyGravity2D
The gravity applied on the 2D physical objects.
Public propertyHierarchyController
Gets the object hierarchy control controller.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyStatic memberInternalSimulatePhysics
Public propertyMeshInSpaceStaticModeSectorSize
Public propertyMode
The mode of the scene.
Public propertyName
The name of the component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkID (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsServer
Whether to work in network server mode. It is false until the scene is not loaded.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsSingle (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsSingleOrClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkMode
Whether to enable synchronization of the component between server and clients.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkModeUsers (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyOctreeBoundsRebuildExpand
The expand vector of the octree bounds.
Public propertyOctreeEnabled
Enables the scene octree.
Public propertyOctreeMaxNodeCount
The maximum number of nodes created by the octree.
Public propertyOctreeMinNodeSize
The minimum node size of the octree.
Public propertyOctreeObjectCountOutsideOctreeToRebuld
The number of objects to rebuild outside the octree.
Public propertyOctreeObjectCountToCreateChildNodes
The number of objects needed to create child nodes.
Public propertyOctreeThreadingMode
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyParentRoot
Gets the parent root object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyPhysicsAdvancedSettings
Whether to enabled advanced settings of the physics world.
Public propertyPhysicsAllowSleeping
If objects can go to sleep or not.
Public propertyPhysicsBaumgarte
Baumgarte stabilization factor (how much of the position error to 'fix' in 1 update) (unit: dimensionless, 0 = nothing, 1 = 100%).
Public propertyPhysicsBodyPairCacheCosMaxDeltaRotationDiv2
Maximum relative delta orientation for body pairs to be able to reuse collision results from last frame, stored as cos(max angle / 2). Default: cos(2 degrees / 2).
Public propertyPhysicsBodyPairCacheMaxDeltaPosition
Maximum relative delta position for body pairs to be able to reuse collision results from last frame (units: meter).
Public propertyPhysicsCheckActiveEdges
When false, we prevent collision against non-active (shared) edges. Mainly for debugging the algorithm.
Public propertyPhysicsCollisionSteps
The amount of collision steps for one update.
Public propertyPhysicsConstraintWarmStart
Whether or not to use warm starting for constraints (initially applying previous frames impulses).
Public propertyPhysicsContactNormalCosMaxDeltaRotation
Maximum angle between normals that allows manifolds between different sub shapes of the same body pair to be combined. Default: cos(5 degree).
Public propertyPhysicsContactPointPreserveLambdaMaxDist
Maximum allowed distance between old and new contact point to preserve contact forces for warm start (units: meter).
Public propertyPhysicsDefaultConvexRadius
In order to speed up the collision detection system, all convex shapes use a convex radius. The provided shape will first be shrunken by the convex radius and then inflated again by the same amount.
Public propertyPhysicsLinearCastMaxPenetration
Fraction of its inner radius a body may penetrate another body for the LinearCast motion quality.
Public propertyPhysicsLinearCastThreshold
Fraction of its inner radius a body must move per step to enable casting for the LinearCast motion quality.
Public propertyPhysicsManifoldTolerance
Max squared distance to use to determine if two points are on the same plane for determining the contact manifold between two shape faces (unit: meter).
Public propertyPhysicsMaxBodies
The max amount of bodies at the same time in the scene. Reopen the scene to apply changes.
Public propertyPhysicsMaxBodyPairs
Maximum amount of body pairs to process (anything else will fall through the world), this number should generally be much higher than the max amount of contact points as there will be lots of bodies close that are not actually touching. Set for to auto mode.
Public propertyPhysicsMaxContactConstraints
Maximum amount of contact constraints to process (anything else will fall through the world). Set 0 for auto mode.
Public propertyPhysicsMaxInFlightBodyPairs
Size of body pairs array, corresponds to the maximum amount of potential body pairs that can be in flight at any time. Setting this to a low value will use less memory but slow down simulation as threads may run out of narrow phase work. Set 0 for auto mode.
Public propertyPhysicsMaxPenetrationDistance
Maximum distance to correct in a single iteration when solving position constraints (unit: meters).
Public propertyPhysicsMinVelocityForRestitution
Minimal velocity needed before a collision can be elastic (unit: m).
Public propertyPhysicsNumPositionSteps
Number of solver position iterations to run.
Public propertyPhysicsNumVelocitySteps
Number of solver velocity iterations to run. Note that this needs to be >= 2 in order for friction to work (friction is applied using the non-penetration impulse from the previous iteration).
Public propertyPhysicsPenetrationSlop
How much bodies are allowed to sink into eachother (unit: meters).
Public propertyPhysicsPointVelocitySleepThreshold
Velocity of points on bounding box of object below which an object can be considered sleeping (unit: m/s).
Public propertyPhysicsSpeculativeContactDistance
Radius around objects inside which speculative contact points will be detected (unit: meters).
Public propertyPhysicsStepListenerBatchesPerJob
How many step listener batches are needed before spawning another job. Set to 2147483647 (INT_MAX) if no parallelism is desired.
Public propertyPhysicsStepListenersBatchSize
How many PhysicsStepListeners to notify in 1 batch.
Public propertyPhysicsTimeBeforeSleep
Time before object is allowed to go to sleep (unit: seconds).
Public propertyPhysicsUseBodyPairContactCache
Whether or not to use the body pair cache, which removes the need for narrow phase collision detection when orientation between two bodies didn't change.
Public propertyPhysicsUseManifoldReduction
Whether or not to reduce manifolds with similar contact normals into one contact manifold.
Public propertyPhysicsWorld
Public propertyPrecipitationFallen
Public propertyPrecipitationFalling
Public propertyRemoveFromParentQueued
Whether the object is placed in the detach queue from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyRenderingPipeline
The rendering pipeline of the scene.
Public propertySaveSupport
Whether the object supports saving to a file.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyScreenLabel
The displaying mode of an on-screen label of the component in the scene editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyScreenOrientation
The way to override default screen orientation settings for the scene. The property is used for mobile devices.
Public propertySoundAttenuationFar
The default maximum distance from the listener, after which no sound is heard.
Public propertySoundAttenuationNear
The default minimum distance from the listener, after which the sound begins to weaken.
Public propertySoundRolloffFactor
The default damping factor.
Public propertyTemperature
Public propertyTime
Public propertyTimeOfDay
Public propertyTypeSettingsPrivateObjects
Object settings when used as a type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyUIScreen
The element of the user interface of the scene that will be used in a simulation.
Public propertyWindDirection
The direction of the wind.
Public propertyWindSpeed
The speed of the wind.
Public methodAddComponent
Adds a component as a child.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessage(ServerNetworkService_ComponentsClientItem, String) (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessage(IListServerNetworkService_ComponentsClientItem, String) (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessage(ServerNetworkService_UsersUserInfo, String) (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessage(IListServerNetworkService_UsersUserInfo, String) (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessageToEveryone (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodBeginNetworkMessageToServer (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodCalculateTotalBoundsOfObjectsInSpace
Public methodClone
Creates a copy of the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodCreateComponent(Type, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, NetworkModeEnum)
Creates a child component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodCreateComponent(MetadataTypeInfo, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, NetworkModeEnum)
Creates a child component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodCreateComponentT(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, NetworkModeEnum)
Creates a child component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodDispose
Detaches the object from the hierarchy and deletes the object data.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodEndNetworkMessage (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindParent(Type)
Finds the parent of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindParent(MetadataTypeInfo)
Finds the parent of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindParentT
Finds the parent of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindThisOrParent(Type)
Finds the parent or self of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindThisOrParent(MetadataTypeInfo)
Finds the parent or self of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodFindThisOrParentT
Finds the parent or self of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodStatic memberGetAll
Gets the list of all scene objects including resources.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllInstancesEnabled
Gets the list of all enabled instances of scenes.
Public methodGetAllParents
Gets all parents of the component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponent(String, Boolean)
Finds a child component by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponent(Type, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds a child component of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponent(MetadataTypeInfo, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds a child component of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponentT(Boolean, Boolean)
Finds a child component of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponentByNameWithIndex
Finds a child component by name and number in the case when there are several components with the specified name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponentByPath
Finds a child component by path.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponents(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds child components.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponents(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, ActionComponent)
Finds child components.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponents(Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds child components of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponents(MetadataTypeInfo, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds child components of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetComponentsT(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, ActionT)
Finds child components of the specified type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetDisplayDevelopmentDataInThisApplication
Public methodGetGameMode
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetObjectsInSpace(SceneGetObjectsInSpaceItem, Int32)
Public methodGetObjectsInSpace(IListSceneGetObjectsInSpaceItem, Int32)
Public methodGetOctreeStatistics
Public methodGetPathFromParent
Returns the path to the object from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetPathFromRoot
Returns the object's access path from the root object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetProvidedType
Returns a type when the object is used as a type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetScreenLabelInfo (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetWindSpeedVector
Public methodIsMethodInvoking (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMetadataGetMemberBySignature
Returns the object metadata member by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodMetadataGetMembers
Returns the object metadata members.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodMethodInvoke
Calls a method by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodMethodInvokeCancel (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodMethodInvokeCancelAll (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkDisablePropertySynchronization (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkIsDisabledPropertySynchronization (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkModeAddUser (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkModeIsEnabledForUser (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkModeRemoveUser (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNetworkRestoreDisabledPropertySynchronization (Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNewObjectSetDefaultConfiguration
Called when the object is created in the editor. Designed to configure the initial state.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodNewObjectSetDefaultConfigurationUpdate
Called during object creation in the editor. Designed to configure the initial state.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodObjectsInSpace_ObjectUpdateSceneObjectFlags
Public methodOctreeUpdate
Protected methodOnAddedToParent
Called when a component is added to the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnClientConnectedAfterRootComponentEnabled (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnClientConnectedBeforeRootComponentEnabled (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnClientDisconnected (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnClone
Called when the object is cloned.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnComponentAdded (Overrides ComponentOnComponentAdded(Component).)
Protected methodOnComponentRemoved (Overrides ComponentOnComponentRemoved(Component).)
Protected methodOnDisabled
Called when the object is detached from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnDisabledInSimulation
Called when the object is detached from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnDispose
Called when the object is disposed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnEditorGetTextInfoCenterBottomCorner (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnEnabled
Called when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnEnabledChanged
Called when value of Enabled property is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnEnabledInHierarchyChanged
Called when value of EnabledInHierarchy property is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnEnabledInSimulation
Called when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnGetRenderSceneData
Protected methodOnLoad
Called during object loading.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnMetadataGetMemberBySignature
Called when the object metadata member is received by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnMetadataGetMembers
Called upon receipt of the object's metadata members.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnMetadataGetMembersFilter (Overrides ComponentOnMetadataGetMembersFilter(MetadataGetMembersContext, MetadataMember, Boolean).)
Protected methodOnPreloadResources
Called when preloading the resources used by the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnReceiveNetworkMessageFromClient (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnReceiveNetworkMessageFromServer (Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnRemovedFromParent
Called when a component is removed from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnRender
Public methodOnRenderBeforeOutput
Protected methodOnSave
Called during object saving.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnSimulationStep
Called during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnSimulationStepClient
Called during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodOnUpdate (Overrides ComponentOnUpdate(Single).)
Protected methodOnViewportUpdateBefore
Protected methodOnViewportUpdateBegin
Protected methodOnViewportUpdateCameraSettingsReady
Protected methodOnViewportUpdateEnd
Public methodPhysics2DContactTest(Physics2DContactTestItem)
Public methodPhysics2DContactTest(Physics2DContactTestItem)
Public methodPhysics2DGetWorld
Public methodPhysics2DRayTest(Physics2DRayTestItem)
Public methodPhysics2DRayTest(Physics2DRayTestItem)
Public methodPhysicsRayTest(PhysicsRayTestItem)
Public methodPhysicsRayTest(PhysicsRayTestItem, Boolean)
Public methodPhysicsVolumeTest(PhysicsVolumeTestItem)
Public methodPhysicsVolumeTest(PhysicsVolumeTestItem, Boolean)
Public methodPreloadResources
Preload resources used by the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodPropertyGet(String, Object, Boolean)
Gets the value of a property by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodPropertySet
Sets the value of a property by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodRemoveAllComponents
Removes all child components.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodRemoveComponent
Removes a child component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodRemoveFromParent
Detaches the object from its parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodSoundPlay(SoundData, Vector3, Double, Double)
Public methodSoundPlay(String, Vector3, Double, Double, Boolean)
Public methodSoundPlay(Sound, Vector3, Double, Double, Boolean)
Public methodSoundPlay2D(String)
Public methodSoundPlay2D(Sound)
Public methodSoundPlay2D(SoundData, Double, Double)
Public methodToString
Returns the name and type of the object as a string.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodTypeSettingsIsPublic
Checks whether the object provided as a type is public.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodTypeSettingsIsPublicMember
Checks whether the member is set up as public.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventAddedToParent
Occurs when a component is added to the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventStatic memberAllScenes_GetRenderSceneData
Public eventBackgroundColorAffectLightingChanged
Occurs when the BackgroundColorAffectLighting property value changes.
Public eventBackgroundColorChanged
Occurs when the BackgroundColor property value changes.
Public eventBackgroundSoundChanged
Occurs when the BackgroundSound property value changes.
Public eventBackgroundSoundVolumeInEditorChanged
Occurs when the BackgroundSoundVolumeInEditor property value changes.
Public eventBackgroundSoundVolumeInSimulationChanged
Occurs when the BackgroundSoundVolumeInSimulation property value changes.
Public eventCameraDefaultChanged
Occurs when the CameraDefault property value changes.
Public eventCameraEditor2DChanged
Occurs when the CameraEditor2D property value changes.
Public eventCameraEditorChanged
Occurs when the CameraEditor property value changes.
Public eventCloneEvent
Occurs when object is cloned.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventCloneSupportChanged
Occurs after changing value of CloneSupport property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentAdded
Occurs when a child component is added.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentRemoved
Occurs when a child component is removed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentsChanged
Occurs when the set of children is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisabledEvent
Occurs when the object is disabled from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisabledInSimulation
Occurs when the object is detached from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisplayAreasChanged
Occurs when the DisplayAreas property value changes.
Public eventDisplayCamerasChanged
Occurs when the DisplayCameras property value changes.
Public eventDisplayDecalsChanged
Occurs when the DisplayDecals property value changes.
Public eventDisplayDevelopmentDataInEditorChanged
Occurs when the DisplayDevelopmentDataInEditor property value changes.
Public eventDisplayDevelopmentDataInSimulationChanged
Occurs when the DisplayDevelopmentDataInSimulation property value changes.
Public eventDisplayInEditorChanged
Occurs when value of DisplayInEditor property is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisplayLabelsChanged
Occurs when the DisplayLabels property value changes.
Public eventDisplayLightsChanged
Occurs when the DisplayLights property value changes.
Public eventDisplayObjectInSpaceBoundsChanged
Occurs when the DisplayObjectInSpaceBounds property value changes.
Public eventDisplayPhysicalObjectsChanged
Occurs when the DisplayPhysicalObjects property value changes.
Public eventDisplayReflectionProbesChanged
Occurs when the DisplayReflectionProbes property value changes.
Public eventDisplaySceneOctreeChanged
Occurs when the DisplaySceneOctree property value changes.
Public eventDisplaySensorsChanged
Occurs when the DisplaySensors property value changes.
Public eventDisplaySoundSourcesChanged
Occurs when the DisplaySoundSources property value changes.
Public eventDisplayTextInfoChanged
Occurs when the DisplayTextInfo property value changes.
Public eventDisplayVolumesChanged
Occurs when the DisplayVolumes property value changes.
Public eventDisposeEvent
Occurs when the object is disposed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledChanged
Occurs when the Enabled property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledEvent
Occurs when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledInHierarchyChanged
Occurs when the EnabledInHierarchy property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledInSimulation
Occurs when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventFrustumCullingTestChanged
Occurs when the FrustumCullingTest property value changes.
Public eventGetDisplayDevelopmentDataInThisApplicationOverride
Public eventGetObjectsInSpaceOverride
Public eventGetRenderSceneData
Public eventGravity2DChanged
Occurs when the Gravity2D property value changes.
Public eventGravityChanged
Occurs when the Gravity property value changes.
Public eventLoadEvent
Occurs during object loading.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMaxBodiesChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsMaxBodies property value changes.
Public eventMeshInSpaceStaticModeSectorSizeChanged
Occurs when the MeshInSpaceStaticModeSectorSize property value changes.
Public eventMetadataGetMemberBySignatureEvent
Occurs when the object metadata member is received by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMembersEvent
Occurs upon receipt of the object's metadata members.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMembersFilterEvent
Occurs when filtering receive members of the object metadata.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventModeChanged
Public eventNameChanged
Occurs when component name is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventNetworkModeChanged
Occurs when the NetworkMode property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventOctreeBoundsRebuildExpandChanged
Occurs when the OctreeBoundsRebuildExpand property value changes.
Public eventOctreeEnabledChanged
Occurs when the OctreeEnabled property value changes.
Public eventOctreeMaxNodeCountChanged
Occurs when the OctreeMaxNodeCount property value changes.
Public eventOctreeMinNodeSizeChanged
Occurs when the OctreeMinNodeSize property value changes.
Public eventOctreeObjectCountOutsideOctreeToRebuldChanged
Occurs when the OctreeObjectCountOutsideOctreeToRebuld property value changes.
Public eventOctreeObjectCountToCreateChildNodesChanged
Occurs when the OctreeObjectCountToCreateChildNodes property value changes.
Public eventOctreeThreadingModeChanged
Occurs when the OctreeThreadingMode property value changes.
Public eventPhysics2DSimulationStepAfter
Public eventPhysicsAdvancedSettingsChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsAdvancedSettings property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsAllowSleepingChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsAllowSleeping property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsBaumgarteChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsBaumgarte property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsBodyPairCacheCosMaxDeltaRotationDiv2Changed
Occurs when the PhysicsBodyPairCacheCosMaxDeltaRotationDiv2 property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsBodyPairCacheMaxDeltaPositionChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsBodyPairCacheMaxDeltaPosition property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsCheckActiveEdgesChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsCheckActiveEdges property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsCollisionStepsChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsCollisionSteps property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsConstraintWarmStartChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsConstraintWarmStart property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsContactNormalCosMaxDeltaRotationChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsContactNormalCosMaxDeltaRotation property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsContactPointPreserveLambdaMaxDistChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsContactPointPreserveLambdaMaxDist property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsDefaultConvexRadiusChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsDefaultConvexRadius property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsLinearCastMaxPenetrationChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsLinearCastMaxPenetration property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsLinearCastThresholdChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsLinearCastThreshold property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsManifoldToleranceChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsManifoldTolerance property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsMaxBodyPairsChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsMaxBodyPairs property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsMaxContactConstraintsChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsMaxContactConstraints property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsMaxInFlightBodyPairsChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsMaxInFlightBodyPairs property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsMaxPenetrationDistanceChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsMaxPenetrationDistance property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsMinVelocityForRestitutionChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsMinVelocityForRestitution property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsNumPositionStepsChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsNumPositionSteps property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsNumVelocityStepsChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsNumVelocitySteps property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsPenetrationSlopChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsPenetrationSlop property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsPointVelocitySleepThresholdChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsPointVelocitySleepThreshold property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsSimulationStepAfter
Public eventPhysicsSpeculativeContactDistanceChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsSpeculativeContactDistance property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsStepListenerBatchesPerJobChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsStepListenerBatchesPerJob property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsStepListenersBatchSizeChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsStepListenersBatchSize property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsTimeBeforeSleepChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsTimeBeforeSleep property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsUseBodyPairContactCacheChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsUseBodyPairContactCache property value changes.
Public eventPhysicsUseManifoldReductionChanged
Occurs when the PhysicsUseManifoldReduction property value changes.
Public eventPrecipitationFallenChanged
Occurs when the PrecipitationFallen property value changes.
Public eventPrecipitationFallingChanged
Occurs when the PrecipitationFalling property value changes.
Public eventPreloadResourcesEvent
Occurs when preloading the resources used by the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventReceiveNetworkMessageFromClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventReceiveNetworkMessageFromServer (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventRemovedFromParent
Occurs when a component is removed from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventRenderAfterSetCommonUniforms
Public eventRenderEvent
Public eventRenderingPipelineChanged
Occurs when the RenderingPipeline property value changes.
Public eventSaveEvent
Occurs during object saving.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSaveSupportChanged
Occurs after changing value of SaveSupport property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventScreenLabelChanged
Occurs when the ScreenLabel property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventScreenOrientationChanged
Occurs when the ScreenOrientation property value changes.
Public eventSimulationStep
Occurs during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSimulationStepClient
Occurs during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSoundAttenuationFarChanged
Occurs when the SoundAttenuationFar property value changes.
Public eventSoundAttenuationNearChanged
Occurs when the SoundAttenuationNear property value changes.
Public eventSoundRolloffFactorChanged
Occurs when the SoundRolloffFactor property value changes.
Public eventTemperatureChanged
Occurs when the Temperature property value changes.
Public eventTimeOfDayChanged
Occurs when the TimeOfDay property value changes.
Public eventUIScreenChanged
Occurs when the UIScreen property value changes.
Public eventUpdateEvent
Occurs during the update process of all objects.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventViewportUpdateBefore
Public eventViewportUpdateBegin
Public eventViewportUpdateCameraSettingsReady
Public eventViewportUpdateEnd
Public eventViewportUpdateGetCameraSettings
Public eventWindDirectionChanged
Occurs when the WindDirection property value changes.
Public eventWindSpeedChanged
Occurs when the WindSpeed property value changes.
Extension Methods
See Also