

  • Tab Control: "Select Page" in the context menu of the editor.
  • NeoAxis.Core: Update to the latest LiteDB.
  • UITooltip: Now the tooltip can be placed in the root control, not only in the inner UIText.
  • UIContainer: PreloadSound methods were added, PlaySound now has additional "bool loop" and "bool stream" parameters.
  • Bug fix: UIEdit: MaxCharacterCount is not work when copy-paste.
  • ...


  • Editor API: The ability to make simple addons, with the ribbon, toolbar buttons, with the context menu.
  • Editor API: The ability to make procedure UI dialogs from the code.
  • Vehicle Type: Light Pairs property makes two mirrored lights.
  • Vehicle Type: Light Optimize property optimizes small light sources.
  • Vehicle Type: Seat Pairs property makes two mirrored seats.
  • Mesh Collision: The update of the Collision Definition with saving previous body settings.
  • Resources window: Auto update references when rename.
  • Store product: Prepare additional screenshots for vehicles.
  • Image Utility: Better JPEG compression. The ability to specify JPEG compression level.
  • Store: The ability to upload common addons from the editor has been improved. The ability to configure downloading the content from an external source.
  • Material: L8, L16 textures now can be accessed via RGBA channel. No import errors for such texture formats now, the convertation done automatically.
  • Bug fix: Component cloning works wrong for Component type properties by default.
  • Bug fix: Invalid store preview screenshot for vehicles.


  • Vehicle: Three and more wheels chassis support. Was only 4 wheels.
  • Vehicle: Tracked chassis support.
  • Vehicle: Recoil force.
  • Vehicle: Shader parameter format for lights has been improved.
  • Vehicle editor: More visual tools, easier to create a new vehicle type.
  • Native code compilation projects have been improved. Less amount of projects, auto update project files.
  • Visual editor for ObjectInSpace resources (prefabs). Child components editing support.
  • A new Gate component with the full typization (GateType). It is the replacement for the Door component.
  • Interactive components have been improved. Now it is easier to scripting a game logic in the scene.
  • Sky: Procedural stars skybox, aurora effect.
  • Character, Text2D: Fading by distance for 2D messages on the screen.
  • Fence: The ability to specify a custom mesh per point.
  • Store improvements.
  • Shader editor: The ability to configure the auto save time.
  • Surface Area: Regular alignment. The ability to make indoor rooms by means SurfaceArea and Fence.
  • Editor: Auto update file references when Copy, Paste files in the Resources window.
  • Editor: More stablility when out of GPU memory.
  • Editor: After a fatal error now is possible to save modified files.
  • TAA: Fixed for sky.
  • Bug fix: The editor can crash.
  • Bug fix: Fixed auto import of 3D models when drag & drop to the scene.
  • Bug fix: Physics: CenterOfMassOffset works wrong.
  • Bug fix: Wrong tooltips for property descriptions.
  • Bug fix: Issues with the app window when network is activated.


  • Networking: All components now support synchronization.
  • Networking: Profiler.
  • Networking: A lot of optimizations.
  • Linux support. Console, server mode only.
  • Upgraded to .NET 5 from .NET Core 3.1.
  • Android: Networking support.
  • NeoAxis Levels has been optimized for shadow generation. 3 times less amount of triangles for shadows in total.
  • Relative camera rendering for drawing objects with large/double precision coordinates. With same speed as usual 32-bit precision.
  • Static shadows.
  • Rendering optimization for big amount of light sources.
  • GUI System: Rounding controls.
  • Character: Big amount of animation improvements. Rifle, melee weapon, items.
  • Character: The ability to add a weapon in the editor.
  • Animation Controller: More features for advanced animation mixing.
  • Character: New physics.
  • Character: More functionality to control skeleton.
  • Physics Body: Center Of Mass Manual property.
  • Building: Improvements of occluder features.
  • Vehicle: Turret support.
  • Vehicle: Headlights, brake lights.
  • Vehicle: Character on seat visualization.
  • Mesh Editor: The ability to add collision with worst mesh lod.
  • Seat component.
  • Game Mode: The ability to configure control keys.
  • Game Mode: Inventory widget.
  • Game Framework: More features to work with items. Basic Item component.
  • ButtonInSpace, Regulator have been improved and optimized.
  • Animation Trigger. Character footstep, fly end sounds.
  • Character interaction, dialogue system. C# and flow graph based dialogues support.
  • Character 2D: Type support.
  • Weapon 2D: Type support.
  • Basic Item 2D.
  • Now No tiling texture feature 5 times faster.
  • Reflection effect is now faster.
  • Antialiasing SSAAx8 mode has been added.
  • Antialiasing now has additional technique. The default settings of antialiasing is now SSAAx2 + FXAA + TAA.
  • Rendering pipeline: Better distribution of sectors depending on the distance.
  • Editor: Icons for basic components.
  • Build: Remove sources of 3D models.
  • Object Interaction: The ability to add interaction to any object in scene by means InteractiveObject component.
  • Object Interaction: Visual update.
  • Character: Better skeleton hands control.
  • Player: Mouse sensitivity option.
  • Physics: Volume test now has more options.
  • Traffic System: Walking pedestrians.
  • Skeleton Animation: All bone transforms now transferred to GPU via one texture.
  • Character AI: Looking for food mode for animals.
  • Character AI: Traffic walking mode.
  • Scene octree optimizations.
  • Import 3D: Updated to latest Assimp.
  • Import 3D: Support of embedded textures for GLTF, GLB and other formats.
  • Import 3D: Big amount of improvements.
  • Import 3D: Update Materials On Meshes re-import option.
  • Group Of Objects, Terrain: Faster rendering.
  • Light: The ability to override shadow texture size.
  • Light: Start distance.
  • Rendering Pipeline: Light far distance.
  • Rendering: Material instance parameters. The ability to specify parameters from mesh in space and from billboard in scene.
  • Scene: Default sound attenuation and settings.
  • Sound Source: 2D mode.
  • Precipitation screen effect. Rain.
  • Objects in scene: Space bounds prediction to optimize octree updates.
  • Reflection: Screen space reflections have been improved.
  • Directional light: Mask Transform property.
  • Software occlusion buffer: Orthographic camera support.
  • Software occlusion buffer: Shadows for directional light support.
  • Sky: Physically based procedural mode.
  • Building: The ability to set different height for each level.
  • Building: Corner cells.
  • Vegetation maker: Mesh preview.
  • Road constructor: Crossing markings visualization.
  • Road constructor: Traffic lights.
  • Voxel LOD: transparency support.
  • Light flares has been improved.
  • Microparticles In Air effect. Dust and other effects in air.
  • Reflection Probe: Real-time mode.
  • Minor license agreement changes.
  • Bug fix: Import 3d model can freeze.
  • Bug fix: No stream sound on Android.
  • Bug fix: Kinematic bodies works wrong.
  • Bug fix: Door component works wrong.
  • Bug fix: Sometimes the physics volume test works wrong with mesh shapes.
  • Bug fix: Constraint: Angular axis and motor limits works wrong.
  • Bug fix: Fog can work wrong with transparent objects.
  • Bug fix: Fog works wrong when far clip plane is small.
  • Bug fix: Unstable shadows in some cases.
  • Bug fix: Engine works with bugs on .NET 6 or recent.


  • Pipe constructor: Now it is free and provided with sources.
  • UI System: More options to configure controls. UIWindow, UIButton, etc.
  • UI System: A new measure type PixelsScaled. The ability to make system depended GUI with support of system font scaling.
  • Store: Categories were updated and made editor fixes.
  • Motion Blur is more stabilized and decreased by default.
  • Light: ShadowSoftness property.
  • Project settings: Shadows settings is PercentageCloserFiltering22 by default for PC now. Was 12.
  • Bug fix: Vehicles can crash app.
  • Bug fix: A created app can stay in processes after exit.


  • Switched back to the license with open sources at the start.
  • NeoAxis Levels. Virtualized geometry system that allows you to quickly render a very large number of objects.
  • Switch to a new Jolt physics.
  • Full vehicle support.
  • Vegetation generator.
  • Road constructor is now free and provided with sources.
  • Fence constructor is now free and provided with sources.
  • Building constructor.
  • The game framework has been improved. Now you can create shooters even easier.
  • Multiplayer support.
  • Collision support for GroupOfObjects and for surface objects of Terrain.
  • More multithreading optimizations of the rendering pipeline.
  • Player app: The ability to configure the quality of rendering features.
  • Editor: A mode to work with all files of a project.
  • Editor: Better Windows 11 support.
  • Faster texture compression.
  • Material Editor: No more limit for 7 textures in shader graph. Now you can use up to 118 textures in the material graph.
  • More demo scenes.
  • Many small changes and fixes.


  • Open Store for vendors.
  • UI System: Focus, tab stops.
  • UI System: Control by keys support.
  • UIEdit: Select, cut, copy, paste.


  • Many improvements for limited devices (mobile).
  • New vegetation packs in the store.
  • Indirect lighting screen effect.
  • A new technique for fast rendering of objects far from the camera.
  • Temporal anti-aliasing.
  • AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 support.
  • Shadows have been improved.
  • Contact shadows.
  • Depth of field: The ability to combine several effects for blurred image.
  • Bokeh blur.
  • New free sets of grass and flowers.
  • No more 'Component_' prefix for component classes.
  • Vehicle component.
  • Motion blur effect has been improved.
  • Game framework: Better character support in the first person camera mode.
  • Game framework: Bullet, Explosion components have been added.
  • Weapon: Many improvements. Now weapons can supports two modes.
  • Terrain: The ability to use surfaces.
  • Terrain: The paint editing has been optimized.
  • Soft Particles mode for materials.
  • Refractive materials support.
  • Material: Advanced scripting mode to get the ability to write additional shader code for materials.
  • Scene Editor: The ability to simulate physics for selected objects. Throw physical objects on the ground.
  • UI Editor: The ability to drop an image to the editor to make UIImage.
  • UI Editor: The ability to drop a scene to the editor to make UIRenderTarget.
  • UI Editor: The ribbon tab of the editor now contains buttons to configuring alignment.
  • Import 3D models: LOD generating.
  • Import 3D models: Mesh optimization during the import.
  • Pathfinding: Threading optimizations. Now rebuilding and path finding works from the background thread.
  • Pathfinding: Dynamic obstacles support.
  • Pathfinding: Terrain support.
  • Curve In Space Objects component has been added. A component to make objects based on Curve In Space.
  • The ability to control the factor of Motion Blur effect per object.
  • Simple 3D Renderer: Cut volumes support.
  • Material: Specular shading model has been removed.
  • Modeling tool has been improved (old name is Builder 3D). Many of actions of the tool are refactored to work better.
  • Surface Area: More parameters, faster update.
  • Render To File: The ability to write video.
  • Software Occlusion Buffer: The ability to do occlusion culling on the screen by means using an additional software 2D depth buffer.
  • Scripting: Build Project solution without restart.
  • Optimization: Much faster shader compilation of materials.
  • Big amount of various small improvements and fixes.


  • A new Stores window, it is replacement to the Packages window. NeoAxis Store integration has been improved. The ability to connect third-party stores.
  • Various editor usability improvements.
  • The process of building projects has been improved.
  • The size of produced builds of projects is reduced.
  • Building for Android has been improved and simplified.
  • Surfaces have been improved. More options, improvements for the editor.
  • The ability to add files to Favorites in the Resources window.
  • NeoAxis Education was merged to the main package.
  • Sketchfab integration.


  • New product: NeoAxis Modified Editor Toolkit.
  • Text in 3D component.
  • New default character.
  • Character: Better animation support. Jump animation support.
  • Character: Hand positioning skinning, head orientation skinning.
  • Character AI: Press Button task component.
  • Character AI: Turn To task components.
  • Smooth animation switching. Animation blending.
  • Third person camera has been improved.
  • Curve in Space: Bezier Path type has been added.
  • Flow graph scripting: Invoke member has been improved. Property set, auto converting referenced values.
  • Flow graph scripting: The ability to sleep during execution flow. Flow control Sleep component.
  • Cutscenes.


  • Significant improvements to the speed of the rendering pipeline.
  • Industrial Kit.
  • Pipe Constructor.
  • Fence Constructor.
  • Road Constructor.
  • Basic Materials library has been updated. Now it contains 206 materials.
  • Basic Environments library has been updated. Now it contains 27 skyboxes.
  • World generator component to make environments procedurally. A new scene template with the generator has been added.
  • A new forest scene template.
  • Terrain and mesh layers: Now is not needed to configure Blend Mode and Mask manually for materials. This done automatically by the engine.
  • Terrain: The curvature in the calculation of texture coordinates has been added. The curvature is intended to reduce the tiling effect.
  • Material editor: Remove Texture Tiling parameter for samplers.
  • Editor: Export component to file. To export use context menu for selected components.
  • Outline screen effect.
  • Outline selection mode for meshes and billboards.
  • The starting scenes are better configured.
  • The ability to configure the multiplier of affecting skybox color and scene background color to ambient lighting.
  • Character: First person camera mode has been improved.
  • Curve In Space: Support of geometry rendering, collision.
  • Scene editor: The button to change rendering debug mode in the ribbon.
  • Skybox: The ability to set special cubemap for ambient lighting has been added.
  • Mesh: The ability to export to FBX has been added.
  • More abilities for add-on creation of the scene editor.
  • ComputeUsingThreads component has been added. It is an auxiliary class to make optimized calculations using threads. Sample scene - 'Samples\Starter Content\Scenes\Compute using threads.scene'.
  • Reflection Probe: Camera settings fixes. The ability to set Rotation, Multiplier, RenderSky has been added.
  • Rendering Pipeline: Per object cut volumes support.
  • UIWebBrowser has been updated.
  • Optimization: Faster FBX import.
  • Optimization: Faster rendering pipeline.
  • Bug fix: Flipped skyboxes which in 2:1 size format.
  • Bug fix: Mesh collision shape works wrong on some meshes.
  • Bug fix: Various minor bug fixes.


  • A new product NeoAxis Education.
  • Transform tool has been improved. Move & Rotate mode has been added. Better visual look of the tool.
  • Screen labels have been improved. Icons, permanent visible labels, the ability to configure visual settings of the labels.
  • Various improvements to the editor for more intuitive creation of base objects.
  • Render To File component. A tool for rendering a scene to a file.
  • Skybox component has been improved. Now source texture is used for scene background instead of using processed cubemap. The processed cubemap now is used only for reflections.
  • Fog, cubemaps, lighting were fixed.
  • Significant reduction in memory consumption.
  • Debug Info: More info about memory consumption.
  • Automatic unloading textures which are not used long time.


  • Resource images preview.
  • Liquid Volume component.
  • Cut Volume component. The component to clip geometry by volume in real-time.
  • Screen Space Reflection effect has been improved and optimized.
  • Text 2D component has been improved. Back rectangle, easier to manage in the editor.
  • Posterize screen effect.
  • Pixelate screen effect.
  • Chromatic aberration screen effect.
  • Edge detection screen effect. By depth, by normals.
  • Measuring tool component.
  • Working with auto hided windows has been improved.
  • Show render target screen effect: the ability to visualize shadow maps.


  • Android support.
  • UITabControl.
  • UIContextMenu.
  • UITooltip.
  • UIToolbar.
  • UIButton: Image support.
  • Skybox: A tool to easy import HDR files.
  • Curve In Space: RoundedLine curve type support.
  • Creation material dialog: The tool for auto tuning textures in the folder when material created.
  • Ctrl+A support for text boxes (Select all).
  • Optimization: Much faster initialization of mesh collision shapes.


  • Switch to .NET Core 3.1 from .NET Framework 4.6. It works faster. Now you can easy upgrade your project to latest .NET as example to .NET 5.0.
  • Support for Visual Studio Code, Rider and other C# IDEs.
  • More polished GUI of the editor. Made very big amount of improvements and fixes.
  • Much better performance of the engine and the editor.
  • Better compilation support for built-in editor Project.csproj when run NeoAxis Player while the editor is loaded.
  • UWP build support has been simplified.
  • The examples of creation add-ons for the editor now available in Assets\Samples\Addons.
  • The template for window app creation has been added to the Launcher.
  • Component classes have been updated for better cross-platform support. System.Windows.Form.dll, System.Drawing.dll now are not used by the project DLLs (NeoAxis.CoreExtension.dll, Project.dll, add-ons).
  • NeoAxis.Core.dll now has no references to another DLLs. It made easier to manage references for libraries because need just one reference to core DLL.


  • Royalty-free platform with source code provided.
  • Set of sample add-ons in the Assets Store.
  • Support for localization of the editor. Russian localization.
  • Particles: Multi-threading optimization.
  • New scene: Manual skeleton control.scene.
  • Rendering pipeline: The ability to disable HDR rendering.
  • Rendering pipeline: The ability to disable using multi render targets (MRT).
  • UI: The ability to make modal windows.
  • The ability to configure app window settings. Window state, size.
  • C# editor: Go To Definition.
  • Camera Management component. The component is intended to configure a camera behavior.
  • Close document window by Ctrl+F4.
  • Bug fix: Mouse relative mode is not works in WFP, WinForms apps.
  • Bug fix: Combo box works wrong with the controls which behind the list.
  • Bug fix: Invalid behavior of mouse wheel for properties control when the control of covered by another form.


  • Faster the engine and the editor loading.
  • Better import of 3D models. Assimp has been upgraded to 5.0. Also now you can read custom data from 3D models.
  • Joysticks and special devices support has been added. 'Spaceship control 2D.scene' has a joystick support.
  • C# editor: The ability to add code of a property for a component class. Use "Add Property" command in the Scripting tab.
  • C# editor: The ability to rebuild solution.
  • C# editor: Context menu has been upgraded.
  • C# editor: The ability to hide quick actions.
  • Bug fix: Error screen notification is not red when the dark scene is enabled.
  • Bug fix: New object window: Unable to create C# class for some types.


  • Dark theme.
  • The editor's UI has been more polished.
  • Bug fix: Build for UWP is not works when file caching is disabled.


  • Package manager has been improved.
  • The ability to configure Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar and shortcut keys.
  • The ability to configure colors for C# editor, shader editor and text editor.
  • Tips window has been improved.
  • The ribbon has been polished for various screen sizes.
  • The management of floating windows has been improved.
  • Building a product has been improved. More build options have been added.
  • Big amount small improvements of editor GUI.
  • Bug fix: Unable to clone terrain.
  • Bug fix: Unable to activate C# filtering mode in the Resources window.
  • Bug fix: Unable to create primitives by the brush to the group of objects.
  • Bug fix: The windows docking can crash on 'Close All But This' action.
  • Bug fix: Broken rendering on on-board Intel GPUs.
  • Bug fix: The rattling effect of motion blur at the beginning of the scene simulation.


Read full news

  • Builder 3D has been improved. Mesh modifier support and the ability to use paint layers have been added. Also made various improvements and fixes.
  • Primitives: Polygon based polyhedron, a mesh geometry in the form of polyhedron generated by thickening a polygon.
  • Terrain: Holes, LODs.
  • UISlider.
  • UICombo.
  • UIGrid.
  • Game framework: Interactive objects support in the first and third camera mode. Button, Regulator Switch objects have been added.
  • Mesh paint layers have been added. This feature gives the ability to add masked layers on top of a base material.
  • Paint Layer: Color property. The base color and opacity multiplier.
  • Material: UseVertexColor parameter. Whether to use vertex color for Base Color and Opacity calculation.
  • Editor: The ability to disable animation of windows auto-hiding.
  • Build: The ability to configure which resources must be included in the final build. Filtering the Assets folder, option to include shader cache, option to include the cache of auto-compressed images.
  • 2D: Ray casts, contact casts.
  • 2D: Constraints.
  • 2D: Sensor 2D.
  • 2D: Capsule shape 2D.
  • 2D: Destroying Sensor 2D.
  • 2D: Transform tool has been improved for 2D mode.
  • "First person" scene template.
  • Text 2D. A scene object displaying 2D text on the screen.
  • Component Host. An object to manage a hierarchy of components. For example, using this object, you can load an additional scene inside another scene.
  • Render Target In Space. The component intended to manage and display render target in the scene.
  • Camera: Rendering Pipeline Override property. The ability to replace default rendering pipeline of the scene.
  • UIRenderTarget. UI control with a render target.
  • Scene Editor: Camera preview.
  • Physics: Rigid Body: The ability to get and display collision contacts between bodies. ContactsCollect, ContactsDisplay properties.
  • Character: Scaling support.
  • Bug fix: Physics: Continuous collision detection was never enabled.
  • Bug fix: Builder 3D: 'OK', 'Cancel' buttons are not visible in the Set color dialog. Alternatively, you can change the color by means Color property of the object.
  • Optimization: Physics: Improved work with a large number of physical objects in the scene. Inactive bodies and constraints now demands much less processor time.


  • Game framework. Managing characters, various types of cameras, a set of more specialized game objects. The ability to configure game mode, camera type in the editor. First person camera, third person camera, free camera are supported.
  • 2D game engine. 2D physics, sprites, tools, demo scenes. 2D game engine is implemented as extension for NeoAxis.
  • Character component. The set of classes and tools for creation characters.
  • Particles.
  • Terrain paint layers.
  • Primitives have been added: Arch, Door, Pipe, Prism, Stairs, Torus.
  • Builder 3D has been improved.
  • Optimization: GPU instancing for transparent objects.
  • NeoAxis Baking: The ability to disable compression of archive. That makes loading baked resources faster.
  • The ability to set color multiplier for decals in the scene.
  • Add Collision: Convex mode has been added.
  • Surface Area has been added. The object represents an area that filled by surface. An object is used to automatically fill with a large number of objects in a given area.
  • Bug fix: Invalid management of Color property of meshes and billboards with enabled GPU instancing.


  • Player: Display background scene option.
  • Bug fix: Unable to run on some PC.
  • Bug fix: C# scripts: Stack overflow crash when use by reference parameters in the event handler.
  • Bug fix: C# scripts: Event handler method code generator works bad with nested types and parameters by reference.


  • NeoAxis Baking file. Baking file give the ability to make asset archive which works only in the engine and cannot be read by another dev tools. This can be used to preserve the original content from unwanted distribution and to create a set of assets in a single compact file. The tool is available in the Tools tab of the Ribbon. Manual
  • The ability to set color multiplier for meshes and billboards in the scene.
  • Null rendering system backend. Project\Binaries\NeoAxis.DefaultSettings.config.


  • API of the engine and the editor have been updated. Now they are considered complete.
  • Terrain.
  • Builder 3D. Fast level creation tools, 3D modeling tools, constructive solid geometry operations.
  • Three ways to create objects in the scene are now available: Drag & Drop, By Click, By Brush.
  • Tools for creation a huge amount of objects.
  • Surface component. A definition of surface type which contains material, set of meshes and other objects. Surfaces are used for painting and object creation by means brush.
  • Group Of Objects component. An object in a scene designed to store and display a large number of similar objects.
  • Decals.
  • Material: Advanced blending. The ability to configure which channels to write to the G-Buffer. Used for decals.
  • Per-object motion blur.
  • Smooth LOD transition.
  • Area component. Represents an area in space defined by the set of points.
  • Layers in the scene.
  • Package manager has been added.
  • Support for creating a build for the target platform has been improved. Now scripts and engine add-ons are supported. The process of creating a build is simplified. The page about build in manual has been added.
  • Build for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) has been improved.
  • Engine DLL assemblies management has been improved. Now unnecessary assemblies are not loaded into the simulation, thereby reducing the load on garbage collector.
  • C# Editor: Work with CS files has been improved. Now changes are synchronized between files. Now there are no invalid warning markers.
  • C# Editor: The ability to customize the visibility of markers has been added.
  • Occlusion query API has been added.
  • Lens flares now use occlusion queries to detect visibility on the screen.
  • Lens flares now appear and disappear smoothly.
  • The ability to change video mode, fullscreen mode, vertical sync in the player app.
  • Editor: Tool tips for events.
  • Editor: Many small fixes.
  • Material Editor: Access to TexCoord 2 and 3 from the shader editor.
  • Material Editor: DitherBlending function.
  • Objects Window: Search.
  • Scene Editor: Select same objects in sphere area by mouse double click.
  • Vignetting screen effect: Noise.
  • Bug fix: Physics: No collision between soft bodies and rigid mesh shapes.
  • Bug fix: Scene Editor: Unable to detach the object when it contains collision body.
  • Bug fix: Screen Space Reflection effect fixed.


  • Import 3D models: Auto binding textures for materials. Quixel Megascans format support.
  • Mesh LOD support.
  • Support textures in 16-bit integer RGB format. TIFF, PNG.
  • Highly optimized multi-threaded rendering pipeline.
  • GPU instancing.
  • Many internal optimizations.
  • Improved work of the editor with a large number of objects.
  • Supersampling anti-aliasing (SSAA).
  • Billboard mode for meshes.
  • Cast shadows by billboards.
  • Material: Simple shading model now supports deferred shading.
  • C# editor: Automatically format on ";" and "}".
  • Engine widget for WinForms, WPF applications.


  • Materials have been improved.
  • The tool for generation environment cube maps from source format has been added.
  • Displacement mapping to materials have been added. Parallax Occlusion Mapping.
  • Tone mapping screen effect has been improved.
  • Mesh skinning on GPU.
  • UI Editor now has all the necessary features. Resizing, step movement.
  • UI Editor: Ribbon Tab.
  • UI Editor: Small fixes.
  • UIProgressBar.
  • Built-in C# scripting improvements.
  • Project settings has been updated.
  • HDR texture format support.
  • Import 3D models has been improved. Latest Assimp.


  • Shader Script. The ability to use shader code in materials and fullscreen effects.
  • The template to make animated vegetation material.
  • New samples: Shader script material.scene, Shader script screen effect.scene, Vegetation material.scene.
  • Scene Editor: Button to focus the camera on the selected object.
  • C# scripting usability improvements.
  • Import 3D, Mesh Editor: Highlighting selected mesh geometries, materials.
  • Bug fix: Material Editor: Material auto updating is not works when a material was created inside another component.


  • Manual: Samples and Tutorials.
  • Manual: Scripting Basic Knowledge.
  • Manual: Player App.
  • C# editor has been improved.
  • Event Handler component has been fixed. When Enable property has been added.
  • Fixed slow work of the editor when working with a large number of objects.
  • Various optimizations in the editor.
  • Player App has been improved.
  • Displaying shortcut keys in the context menus.


  • Full manual.
  • Flow graph scripting: Switch, Do Number, Do While, Sequence, For Each, For, Flow Start, Convert To elements have been added.
  • The component for drawing 2D grid.
  • The destroying sensor.
  • Many minor fixes.


  • Editor: The ability to configure favorite types for fast access.
  • 3D engine: Light shafts.
  • 3D engine: Lens flares.


  • Built-in C# scripting has been improved.
  • C# editor: New commands: Comment Selection, Uncomment Selection, Rename Symbol, Format Document.
  • C# editor: Better undo/redo support.
  • Show shortcut keys in tool tips for Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar.


  • Fix Launcher app.
  • Settings window: Multiselection support.
  • The ability to add event handlers on C# scripts.


  • Dumping GPU name to the logs.
  • The ability to set Rotation by angles.
  • Context menu items Editor, Settings fixed.
  • Settings Window: Open By Reference context menu item for Reference button.


  • Fully new.


  • Graphic user interface of the tools has been updated.
  • A tool to easily import 3D models from a file has been added.
  • Example maps have been updated.
  • Freeze Objects Manager has been added. The object is indended to optimize maps with big amount of objects on them. With this object the developer can make some objects on the map freeze to save resources.
  • Streaming terrain has been improved. Better management of load/unload mechanism.
  • The ability to skip mip maps during loading textures.
  • Bug fix: Broken rendering with enabled SoftParticles parameter of the material.
  • Bug fix: Broken decals on terrain.
  • Bug fix: Broken export of 3D models from Map Editor to DAE.

0.3 - 3.5

Old changelog


The first public release.

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