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PaletteColorStyle Enumeration

Specifies the color drawing style.

Namespace:  Internal.ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core.Editor (in NeoAxis.Core.Editor.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public enum PaletteColorStyle
  Member nameValueDescription
Inherit0 Specifies color should be inherited.
Dashed1 Specifies drawing as a series of dashes.
Solid2 Specifies solid drawing instead of a gradient.
SolidInside3 Specifies solid block using the first color but with a line of second color one pixel inside.
SolidRightLine4 Specifies solid block using the first color and a single line of second color on right edge.
SolidLeftLine5 Specifies solid block using the first color and a single line of second color on left edge.
SolidTopLine6 Specifies solid block using the first color and a single line of second color on top edge.
SolidBottomLine7 Specifies solid block using the first color and a single line of second color on bottom edge.
SolidAllLine8 Specifies solid block using the first color and a rectangle of second color around all edges.
Switch259 Specifies a switch between the first and second colors at 25 percent of distance.
Switch3310 Specifies a switch between the first and second colors at 33 percent of distance.
Switch5011 Specifies a switch between the first and second colors at 50 percent of distance.
Switch9012 Specifies a switch between the first and second colors at 90 percent of distance.
Linear13 Specifies a straight line gradient.
Linear2514 Specifies the the first 25 percent is color 1 then it linear gradients into color 2.
Linear3315 Specifies the the first 33 percent is color 1 then it linear gradients into color 2.
Linear4016 Specifies the the first 40 percent is color 1 then it linear gradients into color 2.
Linear5017 Specifies the the first 50 percent is color 1 then it linear gradients into color 2.
LinearShadow18 Specifies a straight line gradient with shadow around the inner edge.
Rounded19 Specifies a rounded gradient by using a non-linear falloff.
Rounding220 Specifies a rounded look using a second variant blend of the two colors.
Rounding321 Specifies a rounded look using a third variant blend of the two colors.
Rounding422 Specifies a rounded look using a fourth variant blend of the two colors.
Rounding523 Specifies a rounded look using a fifth variant blend of the two colors.
RoundedTopLight24 Specifies a rounded gradient by using a non-linear falloff but with the top edge having light version of Color1.
RoundedTopLeftWhite25 Specifies a rounded gradient by using a non-linear falloff but with the top and left edges having a white border.
Sigma26 Specifies a sigma curve that peeks in the center.
HalfCut27 Specifies a gradient effect in the first and second halfs of the area.
QuarterPhase28 Specifies first color fades into second color mostly within the first quarter of area.
OneNote29 Specifies color transition similar to Microsoft OneNote.
GlassThreeEdge30 Specifies a simple glass effect with three edges lighter.
GlassSimpleFull31 Specifies a simple glass effect.
GlassNormalFull32 Specifies a full glass effect appropariate for a normal state.
GlassTrackingFull33 Specifies a full glass effect appropariate for a tracking state.
GlassPressedFull34 Specifies a full glass effect appropariate for a pressed state.
GlassCheckedFull35 Specifies a full glass effect appropariate for a checked state.
GlassCheckedTrackingFull36 Specifies a full glass effect appropariate for a checked/tracking state.
GlassNormalStump37 Specifies a stumpy glass effect appropariate for a normal state.
GlassTrackingStump38 Specifies a stumpy glass effect appropariate for a tracking state.
GlassPressedStump39 Specifies a stumpy glass effect appropariate for a pressed state.
GlassCheckedStump40 Specifies a stumpy glass effect appropariate for a checked state.
GlassCheckedTrackingStump41 Specifies a stumpy glass effect appropariate for a checked/tracking state.
GlassNormalSimple42 Specifies a simple glass effect appropariate for a normal state.
GlassTrackingSimple43 Specifies a simple glass effect appropariate for a tracking state.
GlassPressedSimple44 Specifies a simple glass effect appropariate for a pressed state.
GlassCheckedSimple45 Specifies a simple glass effect appropariate for a checked state.
GlassCheckedTrackingSimple46 Specifies a simple glass effect appropariate for a checked/tracking state.
GlassCenter47 Specifies a glass effect with fading from the center.
GlassBottom48 Specifies a glass effect with fading from the bottom.
GlassFade49 Specifies a simple glass effect that fades away to nothing by end of the area.
ExpertTracking50 Specifies an expert style button with tracking effect.
ExpertPressed51 Specifies an expert style button with pressed effect.
ExpertChecked52 Specifies an expert style button that is checked.
ExpertCheckedTracking53 Specifies an expert style button that is checked with tracking effect.
ExpertSquareHighlight54 Specifies an expert style button that has a square inner area with highlighting.
ExpertSquareHighlight255 Specifies an expert style button that has a square inner area with highlighting variation 2.
See Also