Click or drag to resize

IPaletteDragDrop Interface

Access to drag the drop settings.

Namespace:  Internal.ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core.Editor (in NeoAxis.Core.Editor.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public interface IPaletteDragDrop

The IPaletteDragDrop type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetDragDropDockActive
Gets the active color for docking indicators.
Public methodGetDragDropDockBack
Gets the background color for the docking indicators area.
Public methodGetDragDropDockBorder
Gets the border color for the docking indicators area.
Public methodGetDragDropDockInactive
Gets the inactive color for docking indicators.
Public methodGetDragDropSolidBack
Gets the background color for a solid drag drop area.
Public methodGetDragDropSolidBorder
Gets the border color for a solid drag drop area.
Public methodGetDragDropSolidOpacity
Gets the opacity of the solid area.
See Also