Click or drag to resize

RenderOffice2010 Class

Extends the professional renderer to provide Office2010 style additions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Internal.ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core.Editor (in NeoAxis.Core.Editor.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public class RenderOffice2010 : RenderProfessional

The RenderOffice2010 type exposes the following members.

Public methodRenderOffice2010
Initializes a new instance of the RenderOffice2010 class
Protected propertyCanRaiseEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyContainer
Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected propertyDesignMode
Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected propertyEvents
Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyRenderGlyph
Gets the glpyh renderer.
(Inherited from RenderBase.)
Public propertyRenderRibbon
Gets the ribbon renderer.
(Inherited from RenderBase.)
Public propertyRenderStandardBack
Gets the standard background renderer.
(Inherited from RenderBase.)
Public propertyRenderStandardBorder
Gets the standard border renderer.
(Inherited from RenderBase.)
Public propertyRenderStandardContent
Gets the standard content renderer.
(Inherited from RenderBase.)
Public propertyRenderTabBorder
Gets the tab border renderer.
(Inherited from RenderBase.)
Public propertySite
Gets or sets the ISite of the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodCreateObjRef
Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodDrawBack
Draw background to fill the specified path.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawBorder
Draw border on the inside edge of the specified rectangle.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawCheckBox
Perform drawing of a check box.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawContent
Perform draw of content using provided memento.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawDragDropDockingGlyph
Draw a solid area glyph suitable for a drag drop area.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawDragDropSolidGlyph
Draw a solid area glyph suitable for a drag drop area.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawDropDownButton
Perform drawing of a drop down button.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawGrabHandleGlyph
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderProfessional.)
Public methodDrawInputControlDropDownGlyph
Draw a drop down grid appropriate for a input control.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawInputControlNumericDownGlyph
Draw a numeric down button image appropriate for a input control.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawInputControlNumericUpGlyph
Draw a numeric up button image appropriate for a input control.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRadioButton
Perform drawing of a radio button.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppButton
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppButtonBorder1
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppButtonBorder2
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppButtonGlowCenter
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppButtonGlowUpperBottom
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppButtonLowerHalf
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppButtonUpperHalf
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRibbonApplicationButton
Draw the application button.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRibbonApplicationTab
Draw the application tab.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppMenuInner
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppMenuOuter
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonAppTab
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRibbonBack
Draw the background of a ribbon element.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRibbonClusterEdge
Perform drawing of a ribbon cluster edge.
(Overrides RenderStandardDrawRibbonClusterEdge(PaletteRibbonShape, RenderContext, Rectangle, IPaletteBack, PaletteState).)
Public methodDrawRibbonContextArrow
Perform drawing of a ribbon context arrow glyph.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRibbonDialogBoxLauncher
Perform drawing of a ribbon dialog box launcher glyph.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRibbonDropArrow
Perform drawing of a ribbon drop arrow glyph.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupAreaBorder1And2
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupAreaBorder2016
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupAreaBorder3And4
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupAreaBorderContext
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupCollapsedBorder
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupCollapsedFrameBorder
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupGradientOne
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupGradientTwo
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupNormalBorder
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupNormalBorderSep
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonGroupNormalTitle
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRibbonGroupSeparator
Perform drawing of a ribbon group separator.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonLinear
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonLinearBorder
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRibbonOverflow
Perform drawing of a ribbon overflow image.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonQATFullbarRound
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonQATFullbarSquare
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonQATMinibarDouble
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonQATMinibarSingle
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonQATOverflow
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContext
Internal rendering method.
(Overrides RenderProfessionalDrawRibbonTabContext(RenderContext, Rectangle, IPaletteRibbonGeneral, IPaletteRibbonBack, IDisposable).)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContextSelected
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContextSelectedBottom
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContextSelectedBottomDraw
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContextSelectedLeft
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContextSelectedLeftDraw
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContextSelectedRight
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContextSelectedRightDraw
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContextSelectedTop
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabContextSelectedTopDraw
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawRibbonTabContextTitle
Draw a context ribbon tab title.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabFocus2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabFocusBottom2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabFocusLeft2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabFocusRight2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabFocusTop2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabGlowing
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabGlowingBottom
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabGlowingLeft
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabGlowingRight
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabGlowingTop
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabHighlight
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabHighlightBottom
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabHighlightBottomDraw
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabHighlightLeft
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabHighlightLeftDraw
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabHighlightRight
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabHighlightRightDraw
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabHighlightTop
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabHighlightTopDraw
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelected2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelected2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedBottom2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedBottom2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedBottomDraw2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedBottomDraw2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedLeft2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedLeft2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedLeftDraw2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedLeftDraw2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedRight2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedRight2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedRightDraw2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedRightDraw2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedTop2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedTop2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedTopDraw2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabSelectedTopDraw2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTracking2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTracking2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingBottom2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingBottom2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingBottomDraw2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingLeft2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingLeft2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingLeftDraw2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingRight2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingRight2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingRightDraw2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingTop2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingTop2010
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodDrawRibbonTabTrackingTopDraw2007
Internal rendering method.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawSeparator
Perform drawing of a separator glyph.
(Inherited from RenderProfessional.)
Public methodDrawTabBorder
Draw border on the inside edge of the specified rectangle.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawTrackGlyph
Draw the track bar track glyph.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawTrackPositionGlyph
Draw the track bar position glyph.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodDrawTrackTicksGlyph
Draw the track bar ticks glyph.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEvalTransparentPaint(IPaletteBack, PaletteState)
Evaluate if transparent painting is needed for background palette.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodEvalTransparentPaint(IPaletteBack, IPaletteBorder, PaletteState)
Evaluate if transparent painting is needed for background or border palettes.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodFinalize
Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the Component is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetBackPath
Generate a graphics path that encloses the border and is used when rendering a background to ensure the background does not draw over the border area.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetBorderDisplayPadding
Gets the padding used to position display elements completely inside border drawing.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetBorderPath
Generate a graphics path that is in the middle of the border.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetBorderRawPadding
Gets the raw padding used per edge of the border.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetCheckBoxPreferredSize
Calculate the requested display size for the check box.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetContentImageDisplayed
Request the calculated display of the image.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetContentImageRectangle
Request the calculated position of the content image.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextDisplayed
Request the calculated display of the long text.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetContentLongTextRectangle
Request the calculated position of the content long text.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetContentPreferredSize
Get the preferred size for drawing the content.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextDisplayed
Request the calculated display of the short text.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetContentShortTextRectangle
Request the calculated position of the content short text.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetDropDownButtonPreferredSize
Calculate the requested display size for the drop down button.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLifetimeService
Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodGetOutsideBorderPath
Generate a graphics path that is the outside edge of the border.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetRadioButtonPreferredSize
Calculate the requested display size for the radio button.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodGetService
Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetTabBackPath
Generate a graphics path that encloses the border and is used when rendering a background to ensure the background does not draw over the border area.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetTabBorderDisplayPadding
Gets the padding used to position display elements completely inside border drawing.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetTabBorderLeftDrawing
Gets if the tabs should be drawn from left to right for z-ordering.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetTabBorderPath
Generate a graphics path that encloses the border itself.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetTabBorderSpacingGap
Gets the spacing used to separate each tab border instance.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitializeLifetimeService
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodLayoutContent
Perform layout calculations on the provided content.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Public methodMeasureDragDropDockingGlyph
Measure the drag and drop docking glyphs.
(Inherited from RenderStandard.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone(Boolean)
Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodRenderToolStrip
Gets a renderer for drawing the toolstrips.
(Overrides RenderStandardRenderToolStrip(IPalette).)
Public methodToString
Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisposed
Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose method.
(Inherited from Component.)
Extension Methods
See Also