Click or drag to resize

ButtonSpecCollectionT Class

Manage a collection of ButtonSpec instances.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Internal.ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core.Editor (in NeoAxis.Core.Editor.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public class ButtonSpecCollection<T> : ButtonSpecCollectionBase, 
	IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList<T>, ICollection<T>, 
where T : ButtonSpec

Type Parameters


The ButtonSpecCollectionT type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
Gets the number of button specs in collection.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique identifier of the object.
(Inherited from GlobalId.)
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
Public propertyIsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe).
Public propertyItemInt32
Gets or sets the button spec at the specified index.
Public propertyItemString
Gets the button spec with the provided unique name.
Public propertyOwner
Gets and sets the owner of the collection.
(Inherited from ButtonSpecCollectionBase.)
Public propertySyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.
Public methodAdd(Object)
Append a button spec to the collection.
Public methodAdd(T)
Append a button spec to the collection.
Public methodAddRange
Append an array of button spec instances.
Public methodClear
Remove all pages from the collection.
Public methodContains(Object)
Determines whether the collection contains the button spec.
Public methodContains(T)
Determines whether the collection contains the button spec.
Public methodCopyTo(Array, Int32)
Copies all the elements of the current collection to the specified Array.
Public methodCopyTo(T, Int32)
Copies button specs to specified array starting at particular index.
Public methodEnumerate
Provide non generic access to the enumerator.
(Overrides ButtonSpecCollectionBaseEnumerate.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Shallow enumerate over button specs in the collection.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIndexOf(Object)
Determines the index of the specified spec in the collection.
Public methodIndexOf(T)
Determines the index of the specified spec in the collection.
Public methodInsert(Int32, Object)
Inserts a button spec to the collection at the specified index.
Public methodInsert(Int32, T)
Inserts a button spec to the collection at the specified index.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnInserted
Raises the Inserted event.
(Inherited from ButtonSpecCollectionBase.)
Protected methodOnInserting
Raises the Inserting event.
(Inherited from ButtonSpecCollectionBase.)
Protected methodOnRemoved
Raises the Removed event.
(Inherited from ButtonSpecCollectionBase.)
Protected methodOnRemoving
Raises the Removing event.
(Inherited from ButtonSpecCollectionBase.)
Public methodRemove(Object)
Removes first occurance of specified object.
Public methodRemove(T)
Removes first occurance of specified spec.
Public methodRemoveAt
Removes the button spec at the specified index.
Public methodToString
Obtains the String representation of this instance.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public eventInserted
Occurs when a spec has been added/inserted to the collection.
(Inherited from ButtonSpecCollectionBase.)
Public eventInserting
Occurs when a spec is about to be added/inserted to the collection.
(Inherited from ButtonSpecCollectionBase.)
Public eventRemoved
Occurs when a spec is removed from the collection.
(Inherited from ButtonSpecCollectionBase.)
Public eventRemoving
Occurs when a spec is about to be removed from the collection.
(Inherited from ButtonSpecCollectionBase.)
Extension Methods
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy