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Prismatic Constraint 2D

Revolute Constraint 2DManual / Base Types / 2D / Prismatic Constraint 2DDistance Constraint 2D

Prismatic Constraint 2D

A 2D prismatic joint. This joint provides one degree of freedom: translation along an axis fixed in body A. Relative rotation is prevented.

Name Description
Body A The first physical body used.
Body B The second physical body used.
Collisions Between Linked Bodies Whether the collision detection is enabled between the linked physical bodies.
Breakpoint The Breakpoint indicates the maximum value the joint error can be before it breaks.
Name Description
Limit Enabled Whether the constraint limit is enabled.
Limit Low The lower constraint limit in world units (usually in meters).
Limit High The upper constraint limit in world units (usually in meters).
Motor Enabled Whether the constraint motor is enabled.
Motor Speed The motor speed in world units (usually meters) per second.
Motor Max Force The maximum motor torque, usually in N.
See also
Revolute Constraint 2DDistance Constraint 2D