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Capsule Shape 2D

Ellipse Shape 2DManual / Base Types / 2D / Capsule Shape 2DMesh Shape 2D

Capsule Shape 2D

Capsule-based 2D collision shape.

Name Description
Transform Relative To Parent The position, rotation and scale of the object relative to parent.
Friction The amount of friction applied on the shape.
Restitution The ratio of the final relative velocity to initial relative velocity of the shape after collision.
Collision Categories The collision categories this fixture is a part of.
Collides With The collision mask bits. This states the categories that this fixture would accept for collision.
Collision Group Collision groups allow a certain group of objects to never collide or always collide. Zero means no collision group. Non-zero group filtering always wins against the mask bits.
Name Description
Axis The axis of the capsule (0 = X-axis, 1 = Y-axis).
Radius The radius of the capsule.
Height The height of the capsule.
Edges The number of edges. The more edges, the more it resembles a capsule.
See also
Ellipse Shape 2DMesh Shape 2D