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Character 2D Type

Destroying Sensor 2DManual / Base Types / 2D / Character 2D TypeCharacter 2D

Character 2D Type

A definition of the Character 2D type.

Name Description
Initial Scale The scale of the character at creation.
Height The height of the character.
Radius The radius of the collision capsule.
Walk Up Height The height to which the character can rise. Set 0 to disable functionality of walking up.
Position To Ground Height The distance from the character position to the ground.
Mass The mass of the character.
Max Slope Angle The maximum angle of the surface on which the character can stand.
Eye Position The position of the eyes relative to the position of the character.
Apply Ground Velocity Whether to consider the speed of the body on which the character is standing.
Linear Damping On Ground Idle The value of linear dumping when a character is standing on the ground.
Linear Damping On Ground Move The value of linear dumping when a character is standing on the ground.
Linear Damping Fly The value of linear dumping when a character is flying.
Walk Forward Max Speed Maximum speed when walking forward.
Walk Force Physical force applied to the body for walking.
Run Support Can the character run.
Run Forward Max Speed Maximum speed when running forward.
Run Force Physical force applied to the body for running.
Fly Control Support Can a character control himself in flight.
Fly Control Max Speed Maximum speed of character control in flight.
Fly Control Force Physical force applied to the body for flying.
Jump Support Can the character jump.
Jump Speed The vertical speed of a jump.
Idle Animation Animation of character at rest.
Walk Animation Character walking animation.
Walk Animation Speed The multiplier for playing the walking animation depending on the speed of the character.
Run Animation Character running animation.
Run Animation Speed The multiplier for playing the running animation depending on the speed of the character.
Fly Animation Character flying animation.
Jump Animation Character jumping animation.
See also
Destroying Sensor 2DCharacter 2D