NeoAxis Engine 2021.1 Released

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, an integrated development environment with built-in 3D/2D game engine. The environment can be used to develop all kinds of 3D and 2D projects such as computer games, visual trainers, VR systems, to visualize processes and develop windowed applications.

NeoAxis 2021.1 includes improvements for ambient lighting, metal materials, rendering speed, rendering quality, basic content. Has been added a set of paid add-ons such as Industrial Kit, Pipe Constructor, Fence Constructor, Road Constructor.

A new forest scene template with a world generator

The world generator component to make environments procedurally. The new forest scene template with the generator has been added.

Significant improvements to the speed of the rendering pipeline

The multithreaded rendering pipeline now delivers data to the GPU ever more efficiently.

Outline effect to highlight selected objects

The selected objects in the editor are now highlighted with the outline effect. The outline effect is also can be used as usual screen effect. Read more.

Basic materials library update

Basic Materials library has been updated. Now it contains 206 materials.

Basic environments library update

Basic Environments library has been updated. Now it contains 27 skyboxes.

Better lighting

Ambient lighting and metal materials have been improved.

Curve In Space improvement

The support of geometry generation, collision have been added.

Remove texture tiling

Added a mode for removing the tiling effect. To enable the effect, you need in the samplers of the material enable a 'Remove Tiling' parameter. The effect can be disabled for a whole scene in the rendering pipeline.

Industrial Kit (paid add-on)

The extensive solution for easily and fast making industrial real-time 3D environments. The kit includes many constructors. Read more.

Pipe Constructor (paid add-on)

The complete solution for easily making pipes of any types. The add-on includes easy to use constructor of pipes, valves, indicators. Read more.

Fence Constructor (paid add-on)

The complete solution for easily making fences of any types. The add-on includes easy to use constructor of fences, barriers, castles. Read more.

Road Constructor (paid add-on)

The solution for easily making roads. The add-on includes easy to use constructor of roads, roadsides, overpasses, crossroads. Read more.

Full changelog

  • Significant improvements to the speed of the rendering pipeline.
  • Industrial Kit.
  • Pipe Constructor.
  • Fence Constructor.
  • Road Constructor.
  • Basic Materials library has been updated. Now it contains 206 materials.
  • Basic Environments library has been updated. Now it contains 27 skyboxes.
  • World generator component to make environments procedurally. A new scene template with the generator has been added.
  • A new forest scene template.
  • Terrain and mesh layers: Now is not needed to configure Blend Mode and Mask manually for materials. This done automatically by the engine.
  • Terrain: The curvature in the calculation of texture coordinates has been added. The curvature is intended to reduce the tiling effect.
  • Material editor: Remove Texture Tiling parameter for samplers.
  • Editor: Export component to file. To export use context menu for selected components.
  • Outline screen effect.
  • Outline selection mode for meshes and billboards.
  • The starting scenes are better configured.
  • The ability to configure the multiplier of affecting skybox color and scene background color to ambient lighting.
  • Character: First person camera mode has been improved.
  • Curve In Space: Support of geometry rendering, collision.
  • Scene editor: The button to change rendering debug mode in the ribbon.
  • Skybox: The ability to set special cubemap for ambient lighting has been added.
  • Mesh: The ability to export to FBX has been added.
  • More abilities for add-on creation of the scene editor.
  • ComputeUsingThreads component has been added. It is an auxiliary class to make optimized calculations using threads. Sample scene - 'Samples\Starter Content\Scenes\Compute using threads.scene'.
  • Reflection Probe: Camera settings fixes. The ability to set Rotation, Multiplier, RenderSky has been added.
  • Rendering Pipeline: Per object cut volumes support.
  • UIWebBrowser has been updated.
  • Optimization: Faster FBX import.
  • Optimization: Faster rendering pipeline.
  • Bug fix: Flipped skyboxes which in 2:1 size format.
  • Bug fix: Mesh collision shape works wrong on some meshes.
  • Bug fix: Various minor bug fixes.

See also

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