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World Generator

Render To FileManual / Base Types / Scene objects / World GeneratorPrimitives

World Generator

A tool for procedural scene generation.


The easiest way to try world generator is creating a Forest scene from the Start Page.

Next, select 'World Generator' component in the Objects window. Configure property, click Generate button.

Screenshot999999999999999996 2.png
Name Description
Size The size of the generated area.
Height Range The height range of the generated terrain.
Curvature The curvature frequency of the terrain.
Template The predefined template of materials and surfaces.
Base Material The material of the terrain.
Base Material Color The color multiplier of the terrain.
Base Surface The third surface.
Base Surface Paint Factor The strength of painting for the third surface.
Base Surface Color The color of the first surface.
Base Surface Collision Whether to enable the collision for the base surface.
Surface1 The first surface.
Surface1 Paint Factor The strength of painting for the first surface.
Surface1 Color The color of the first surface.
Surface1 Collision Whether to enable the collision for the first surface.
Surface2 The second surface.
Surface2 Color The color of the second surface.
Surface2 Paint Factor The strength of painting for the second surface.
Surface2 Collision Whether to enable the collision for the second surface.
Surface3 The third surface.
Surface3 Color The color of the third surface.
Surface3 Paint Factor The strength of painting for the third surface.
Surface3 Collision Whether to enable the collision for the third surface.
Surface4 The fourth surface.
Surface4 Color The color of the fourth surface.
Surface4 Paint Factor The strength of painting for the fourth surface.
Surface4 Collision Whether to enable the collision for the fourth surface.
Surface5 The fifth surface.
Surface5 Color The color of the fifth surface.
Surface5 Paint Factor The strength of painting for the fifth surface.
Surface5 Collision Whether to enable the collision for the fifth surface.
Surface6 The sixth surface.
Surface6 Color The color of the sixth surface.
Surface6 Paint Factor The strength of painting for the sixth surface.
Surface6 Collision Whether to enable the collision for the sixth surface.
Leveled Area Whether to add leveled, cleared area.
Leveled Area Size The size of the leveled area.
Leveled Area Shape The shape of the leveled area.
Leveled Area Height The height of the leveled area.
Leveled Area Material The material of the leveled area.
Seed The seed number for random number generator.
Add Layers With Objects Whether to add paint layers with objects.
See also
Render To FilePrimitives