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Component representing a scene. Scene Editor is used to edit the scenes.

Name Description
Rendering Pipeline The rendering pipeline of the scene.
Background Color The background color of the scene.
Background Color Affect Lighting Whether to affect the background color to ambient lighting.
UIScreen The element of the user interface of the scene that will be used in a simulation.
Mode The mode of the scene.
Screen Orientation The way to override default screen orientation settings for the scene. The property is used for mobile devices.
Camera Editor The camera used by the editor in 3D mode.
Camera Editor2 D The camera used by the editor in 2D mode.
Camera Editor2 DPosition Z Z position of the camera in 2D mode.
Camera Default The default camera used.
Gravity The gravity applied on the physical objects.
Wind Direction The direction of the wind.
Wind Speed The speed of the wind.
Physics Max Bodies The max amount of bodies at the same time in the scene. Reopen the scene to apply changes.
Physics Advanced Settings Whether to enabled advanced settings of the physics world.
Physics Default Convex Radius In order to speed up the collision detection system, all convex shapes use a convex radius. The provided shape will first be shrunken by the convex radius and then inflated again by the same amount.
Physics Max Body Pairs Maximum amount of body pairs to process (anything else will fall through the world), this number should generally be much higher than the max amount of contact points as there will be lots of bodies close that are not actually touching. Set for to auto mode.
Physics Max Contact Constraints Maximum amount of contact constraints to process (anything else will fall through the world). Set 0 for auto mode.
Physics Max In Flight Body Pairs Size of body pairs array, corresponds to the maximum amount of potential body pairs that can be in flight at any time. Setting this to a low value will use less memory but slow down simulation as threads may run out of narrow phase work. Set 0 for auto mode.
Physics Collision Steps The amount of collision steps for one update.
Physics Step Listeners Batch Size How many PhysicsStepListeners to notify in 1 batch.
Physics Step Listener Batches Per Job How many step listener batches are needed before spawning another job. Set to 2147483647 (INT_MAX) if no parallelism is desired.
Physics Baumgarte Baumgarte stabilization factor (how much of the position error to 'fix' in 1 update) (unit: dimensionless, 0 = nothing, 1 = 100%).
Physics Speculative Contact Distance Radius around objects inside which speculative contact points will be detected (unit: meters).
Physics Penetration Slop How much bodies are allowed to sink into eachother (unit: meters).
Physics Linear Cast Threshold Fraction of its inner radius a body must move per step to enable casting for the LinearCast motion quality.
Physics Linear Cast Max Penetration Fraction of its inner radius a body may penetrate another body for the LinearCast motion quality.
Physics Manifold Tolerance Max squared distance to use to determine if two points are on the same plane for determining the contact manifold between two shape faces (unit: meter).
Physics Max Penetration Distance Maximum distance to correct in a single iteration when solving position constraints (unit: meters).
Physics Body Pair Cache Max Delta Position Maximum relative delta position for body pairs to be able to reuse collision results from last frame (units: meter).
Physics Body Pair Cache Cos Max Delta Rotation Div2 Maximum relative delta orientation for body pairs to be able to reuse collision results from last frame, stored as cos(max angle / 2). Default: cos(2 degrees / 2).
Physics Contact Normal Cos Max Delta Rotation Maximum angle between normals that allows manifolds between different sub shapes of the same body pair to be combined. Default: cos(5 degree).
Physics Contact Point Preserve Lambda Max Dist Maximum allowed distance between old and new contact point to preserve contact forces for warm start (units: meter).
Physics Num Velocity Steps Number of solver velocity iterations to run. Note that this needs to be >= 2 in order for friction to work (friction is applied using the non-penetration impulse from the previous iteration).
Physics Num Position Steps Number of solver position iterations to run.
Physics Min Velocity For Restitution Minimal velocity needed before a collision can be elastic (unit: m).
Physics Time Before Sleep Time before object is allowed to go to sleep (unit: seconds).
Physics Point Velocity Sleep Threshold Velocity of points on bounding box of object below which an object can be considered sleeping (unit: m/s).
Physics Constraint Warm Start Whether or not to use warm starting for constraints (initially applying previous frames impulses).
Physics Use Body Pair Contact Cache Whether or not to use the body pair cache, which removes the need for narrow phase collision detection when orientation between two bodies didn't change.
Physics Use Manifold Reduction Whether or not to reduce manifolds with similar contact normals into one contact manifold.
Physics Allow Sleeping If objects can go to sleep or not.
Physics Check Active Edges When false, we prevent collision against non-active (shared) edges. Mainly for debugging the algorithm.
Gravity2 D The gravity applied on the 2D physical objects.
Background Sound Specifies background sound of the scene. Usually it is a music.
Background Sound Volume In Editor Specifies background sound volume in the editor.
Background Sound Volume In Simulation Specifies background sound volume in the simulation.
Sound Attenuation Near The default minimum distance from the listener, after which the sound begins to weaken.
Sound Attenuation Far The default maximum distance from the listener, after which no sound is heard.
Sound Rolloff Factor The default damping factor.
Display Development Data In Editor Whether to show development data in the editor.
Display Development Data In Simulation Whether to show development data in the simulation.
Display Text Info Whether to display text information of the development data.
Display Labels Whether to display development data of the labels.
Display Lights Whether to display development data of the lights.
Display Decals Whether to display development data of the decals.
Display Reflection Probes Whether to display development data of the reflection probes.
Display Cameras Whether to display development data of the cameras.
Display Physical Objects Whether to display physical objects.
Display Areas Whether to display areas.
Display Volumes Whether to display volumes.
Display Sensors Whether to display sensors.
Display Sound Sources Whether to display development data of the sound sources.
Display Object In Space Bounds Whether to display the bounds of the objects in space.
Display Scene Octree Whether to display the scene octree.
Frustum Culling Test Enables the frustum culling test.
Octree Enabled Enables the scene octree.
Octree Object Count Outside Octree To Rebuld The number of objects to rebuild outside the octree.
Octree Bounds Rebuild Expand The expand vector of the octree bounds.
Octree Min Node Size The minimum node size of the octree.
Octree Object Count To Create Child Nodes The number of objects needed to create child nodes.
Octree Max Node Count The maximum number of nodes created by the octree.
First Gets first enabled scene.
See also
Scene commonMaterial