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VehicleType Properties

The VehicleType type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnyData
The user data of the component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyBaseType
Gets the base type of the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyChassis
The type of chassis.
Public propertyCloneSupport
Whether the object supports cloning.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyComponents
Gets the collection of the child components.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCreatedByBaseType
Whether the object is created using a base type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyDisplayInEditor
Whether to show the object in the editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyDisposed
Whether the object is disposed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorDocumentConfiguration
Gets or sets the configuration data of the object's settings in the editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorReadOnly
Whether the object is read only in the editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEditorReadOnlyInHierarchy
Whether the object is read-only in the editor with respect to parent objects.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEnabled
Whether the component is enabled. Any functionality of component is not works when it disabled.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEnabledInHierarchy
Determines whether the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and enabled. The object will be enabled only when all parents are enabled, and the property Enabled is enabled.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEnabledInHierarchyAndIsInstance
Determines when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components, is enabled and the object if not part of a resource (it is usual object instance). The object will be enabled only when all parents are enabled, and the property Enabled is enabled.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyEngineMaxRPM
Public propertyEngineMaxTorque
Public propertyEngineMinRPM
Public propertyFrontWheelAngularDamping
Angular damping factor of the wheel: dw/dt = -c * w.
Public propertyFrontWheelAntiRollBarStiffness
Stiffness (spring constant in N/m) of front wheel anti rollbar. Can be 0 to disable the anti-rollbar.
Public propertyFrontWheelDiameter
The diameter of a front wheel.
Public propertyFrontWheelDifferentialEngineTorqueRatio
How much of the engines torque is applied to this differential (0 = none, 1 = full).
Public propertyFrontWheelDifferentialLeftRightSplit
Defines how the engine torque is split across the left and right wheel (0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right).
Public propertyFrontWheelDifferentialLimitedSlipRatio
Ratio max / min wheel speed. When this ratio is exceeded, all torque gets distributed to the slowest moving wheel. This allows implementing a limited slip differential. Set to FLT_MAX (3.402823466e+38F) for an open differential. Value should be > 1.
Public propertyFrontWheelDifferentialRatio
Ratio between rotation speed of gear box and wheels.
Public propertyFrontWheelDrive
Public propertyFrontWheelLateralFriction
Friction in sideway direction of tire as a function of the slip angle (degrees): angle between relative contact velocity and vehicle direction.
Public propertyFrontWheelLongitudinalFriction
Friction in forward direction of tire as a function of the slip ratio (fraction): (omega_wheel * r_wheel - v_longitudinal) / |v_longitudinal|.
Public propertyFrontWheelMass
The mass of a front wheel.
Public propertyFrontWheelMaxBrakeTorque
How much torque (Nm) the brakes can apply to front wheel.
Public propertyFrontWheelMaxHandBrakeTorque
How much torque (Nm) the hand brake can apply to front wheel.
Public propertyFrontWheelMaxSteeringAngle
The maximal steering angle of front wheels.
Public propertyFrontWheelMesh
The mesh of a front wheel.
Public propertyFrontWheelPosition
The position offset for front wheels.
Public propertyFrontWheelSteeringTime
Public propertyFrontWheelSuspensionDamping
Public propertyFrontWheelSuspensionFrequency
Public propertyFrontWheelSuspensionMaxLength
Public propertyFrontWheelSuspensionMinLength
Public propertyFrontWheelSuspensionPreloadLength
Public propertyFrontWheelWidth
The width of a front wheel.
Public propertyGearDownSound
Public propertyGearSounds
Public propertyGearUpSound
Public propertyHierarchyController
Gets the object hierarchy control controller.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyMaxPitchRollAngle
Defines the maximum pitch/roll angle, can be used to avoid the car from getting upside down. The vehicle up direction will stay within a cone centered around the up axis with half top angle MaxPitchRollAngle, set to 180 to turn off.
Public propertyMaxSlopeAngle
Max angle that is considered for colliding wheels. This is to avoid colliding with vertical walls.
Public propertyMesh
The main mesh of the vehicle.
Public propertyMotorOffSound
Public propertyMotorOnSound
Public propertyName
The name of the component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkID (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsServer
Whether to work in network server mode. It is false until the scene is not loaded.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsSingle (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkIsSingleOrClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkMode
Whether to enable synchronization of the component between server and clients.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyNetworkModeUsers (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyParentRoot
Gets the parent root object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyRearWheelAngularDamping
Angular damping factor of the wheel: dw/dt = -c * w.
Public propertyRearWheelAntiRollBarStiffness
Stiffness (spring constant in N/m) of rear wheel anti rollbar. Can be 0 to disable the anti-rollbar.
Public propertyRearWheelDiameter
The diameter of a rear wheel.
Public propertyRearWheelDifferentialEngineTorqueRatio
How much of the engines torque is applied to this differential (0 = none, 1 = full).
Public propertyRearWheelDifferentialLeftRightSplit
Defines how the engine torque is split across the left and right wheel (0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right).
Public propertyRearWheelDifferentialLimitedSlipRatio
Ratio max / min wheel speed. When this ratio is exceeded, all torque gets distributed to the slowest moving wheel. This allows implementing a limited slip differential. Set to FLT_MAX (3.402823466e+38F) for an open differential. Value should be > 1.
Public propertyRearWheelDifferentialRatio
Ratio between rotation speed of gear box and wheels.
Public propertyRearWheelDrive
Public propertyRearWheelLateralFriction
Friction in sideway direction of tire as a function of the slip angle (degrees): angle between relative contact velocity and vehicle direction.
Public propertyRearWheelLongitudinalFriction
Friction in forward direction of tire as a function of the slip ratio (fraction): (omega_wheel * r_wheel - v_longitudinal) / |v_longitudinal|.
Public propertyRearWheelMass
The mass of a rear wheel.
Public propertyRearWheelMaxBrakeTorque
How much torque (Nm) the brakes can apply to rear wheel.
Public propertyRearWheelMaxHandBrakeTorque
How much torque (Nm) the hand brake can apply to rear wheel.
Public propertyRearWheelMaxSteeringAngle
The maximal steering angle of rear wheels.
Public propertyRearWheelMesh
The mesh of a rear wheel.
Public propertyRearWheelPosition
The position offset for rear wheels.
Public propertyRearWheelSuspensionDamping
Public propertyRearWheelSuspensionFrequency
Public propertyRearWheelSuspensionMaxLength
Public propertyRearWheelSuspensionMinLength
Public propertyRearWheelSuspensionPreloadLength
Public propertyRearWheelWidth
The width of a rear wheel.
Public propertyRemoveFromParentQueued
Whether the object is placed in the detach queue from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertySaveSupport
Whether the object supports saving to a file.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyScreenLabel
The displaying mode of an on-screen label of the component in the scene editor.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyTransmissionAuto
How to switch gears.
Public propertyTransmissionClutchReleaseTime
How long it takes to release the clutch (go to full friction), only used in auto mode.
Public propertyTransmissionClutchStrength
Strength of the clutch when fully engaged. Total torque a clutch applies is Torque = ClutchStrength * (Velocity Engine - Avg Velocity Wheels) (units: k m^2 s^-1).
Public propertyTransmissionGearRatios
Ratio in rotation rate between engine and gear box, first element is 1st gear, 2nd element 2nd gear etc.
Public propertyTransmissionReverseGearRatios
Ratio in rotation rate between engine and gear box when driving in reverse.
Public propertyTransmissionShiftDownRPM
If RPM of engine is smaller then this we will shift a gear down, only used in auto mode.
Public propertyTransmissionShiftUpRPM
If RPM of engine is bigger then this we will shift a gear up, only used in auto mode.
Public propertyTransmissionSwitchLatency
How long to wait after releasing the clutch before another switch is attempted (s), only used in auto mode.
Public propertyTransmissionSwitchTime
How long it takes to switch gears (s), only used in auto mode.
Public propertyTurretTurnSound
Public propertyTypeSettingsPrivateObjects
Object settings when used as a type.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyVersion
See Also