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TextureFormat Enumeration

Specifies the format of a texture's data.

Namespace:  Internal.SharpBgfx
Assembly:  NeoAxis.Core (in NeoAxis.Core.dll) Version: 2024.1.1.0 (2024.1.1.0)
public enum TextureFormat
  Member nameValueDescription
BC10 Block compression with three color channels, 1 bit alpha.
BC21 Block compression with three color channels, 4 bits alpha.
BC32 Block compression with three color channels, 8 bits alpha.
BC43 Block compression for 1-channel color.
BC54 Block compression for 2-channel color.
BC6H5 Block compression for three-channel HDR color.
BC76 Highest quality block compression.
ETC17 Original ETC block compression.
ETC28 Improved ETC block compression (no alpha).
ETC2A9 Improved ETC block compression with full alpha.
ETC2A110 Improved ETC block compression with 1-bit punchthrough alpha.
PTC1211 PVRTC1 compression (2 bits per pixel)
PTC1412 PVRTC1 compression (4 bits per pixel)
PTC12A13 PVRTC1 compression with alpha (2 bits per pixel)
PTC14A14 PVRTC1 compression with alpha (4 bits per pixel)
PTC2215 PVRTC2 compression with alpha (2 bits per pixel)
PTC2416 PVRTC2 compression with alpha (4 bits per pixel)
ATC17 ATC RGB (4 bits per pixel)
ATCE18 ATCE RGBA with explicit alpha (8 bits per pixel)
ATCI19 ATCE RGBA with interpolated alpha (8 bits per pixel)
ASTC4x420 ASTC 4x4 8.0 bpp
ASTC5x421 ASTC 5x4 6.40 bpp
ASTC5x522 ASTC 5x5 5.12 bpp
ASTC6x523 ASTC 6x5 4.27 bpp
ASTC6x624 ASTC 6x6 3.56 bpp
ASTC8x525 ASTC 8x5 3.20 bpp
ASTC8x626 ASTC 8x6 2.67 bpp
ASTC8x827 ASTC 8x8 2.00 bpp
ASTC10x528 ASTC 10x5 2.56 bpp
ASTC10x629 ASTC 10x6 2.13 bpp
ASTC10x830 ASTC 10x8 1.60 bpp
ASTC10x1031 ASTC 10x10 1.28 bpp
ASTC12x1032 ASTC 12x10 1.07 bpp
ASTC12x1233 ASTC 12x12 0.89 bpp
Unknown34 Unknown texture format.
R135 1-bit single channel.
A836 8-bit single channel (alpha).
R837 8-bit single channel.
R8I38 8-bit single channel (integer).
R8U39 8-bit single channel (unsigned).
R8S40 8-bit single channel (signed).
R1641 16-bit single channel.
R16I42 16-bit single channel (integer).
R16U43 16-bit single channel (unsigned).
R16F44 16-bit single channel (float).
R16S45 16-bit single channel (signed).
R32I46 32-bit single channel (integer).
R32U47 32-bit single channel (unsigned).
R32F48 32-bit single channel (float).
RG849 8-bit two channel.
RG8I50 8-bit two channel (integer).
RG8U51 8-bit two channel (unsigned).
RG8S52 8-bit two channel (signed).
RG1653 16-bit two channel.
RG16I54 16-bit two channel (integer).
RG16U55 16-bit two channel (unsigned).
RG16F56 16-bit two channel (float).
RG16S57 16-bit two channel (signed).
RG32I58 32-bit two channel (integer).
RG32U59 32-bit two channel (unsigned).
RG32F60 32-bit two channel (float).
RGB861 8-bit three channel.
RGB8I62 8-bit three channel (integer).
RGB8U63 8-bit three channel (unsigned).
RGB8S64 8-bit three channel (signed).
RGB9E5F65 9-bit three channel floating point with shared 5-bit exponent.
BGRA866 8-bit BGRA color.
RGBA867 8-bit RGBA color.
RGBA8I68 8-bit RGBA color (integer).
RGBA8U69 8-bit RGBA color (unsigned).
RGBA8S70 8-bit RGBA color (signed).
RGBA1671 16-bit RGBA color.
RGBA16I72 16-bit RGBA color (integer).
RGBA16U73 16-bit RGBA color (unsigned).
RGBA16F74 16-bit RGBA color (float).
RGBA16S75 16-bit RGBA color (signed).
RGBA32I76 32-bit RGBA color (integer).
RGBA32U77 32-bit RGBA color (unsigned).
RGBA32F78 32-bit RGBA color (float).
R5G6B580 5-6-6 color.
RGBA482 4-bit RGBA color.
RGB5A184 5-bit RGB color with 1-bit alpha.
RGB10A285 10-bit RGB color with 2-bit alpha.
RG11B10F86 11-11-10 color (float).
UnknownDepth87 Unknown depth format.
D1688 16-bit depth.
D2489 24-bit depth.
D24S890 24-bit depth, 8-bit stencil.
D3291 32-bit depth.
D16F92 16-bit depth (float).
D24F93 24-bit depth (float).
D32F94 32-bit depth (float).
D0S895 8-bit stencil.
Count96 The count of all texture formats. Not a valid value.
Check Caps flags for hardware format support.
See Also