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GpuMaterialPass Properties

The GpuMaterialPass type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdvancedBlendingWriteMask
Public propertyColorWriteAlpha
Public propertyColorWriteBlue
Public propertyColorWriteGreen
Public propertyColorWriteRed
Public propertyCullingMode
Gets or sets the culling mode for this pass based on the 'vertex winding'.
Public propertyDepthCheck
Gets or sets whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer checking on or not.
Public propertyDepthFunction
Gets or sets the function used to compare depth values when depth checking is on.
Public propertyDepthWrite
Gets or sets whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer writing on or not.
Public propertyDestinationBlendFactor
Gets or sets the destination blend factor.
Public propertyLinkedProgram
Public propertyOwner
Public propertySourceBlendFactor
Gets or sets the source blend factor.
See Also