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Fixture Fields

The Fixture type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAfterCollision
Fires after two shapes has collided and are solved. This gives you a chance to get the impact force.
Public fieldBeforeCollision
Fires when two fixtures are close to each other. Due to how the broadphase works, this can be quite inaccurate as shapes are approximated using AABBs.
Public fieldOnCollision
Fires when two shapes collide and a contact is created between them. Note that the first fixture argument is always the fixture that the delegate is subscribed to.
Public fieldOnSeparation
Fires when two shapes separate and a contact is removed between them. Note: This can in some cases be called multiple times, as a fixture can have multiple contacts. Note The first fixture argument is always the fixture that the delegate is subscribed to.
Public fieldTag
Set the user data. Use this to store your application specific data.
See Also