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Material Events

The Material type exposes the following members.

Public eventAddedToParent
Occurs when a component is added to the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventAdvancedBlendingChanged
Occurs when the AdvancedBlending property value changes.
Public eventAdvancedScriptingChanged
Occurs when the AdvancedScripting property value changes.
Public eventAffectAmbientOcclusionChanged
Occurs when the AffectAmbientOcclusion property value changes.
Public eventAffectBaseColorChanged
Occurs when the AffectBaseColor property value changes.
Public eventAffectEmissiveChanged
Occurs when the AffectEmissive property value changes.
Public eventAffectGeometryChanged
Occurs when the AffectGeometry property value changes.
Public eventAffectMetallicChanged
Occurs when the AffectMetallic property value changes.
Public eventAffectReflectanceChanged
Occurs when the AffectReflectance property value changes.
Public eventAffectRoughnessChanged
Occurs when the AffectRoughness property value changes.
Public eventAmbientOcclusionChanged
Occurs when the AmbientOcclusion property value changes.
Public eventAnisotropyChanged
Occurs when the Anisotropy property value changes.
Public eventAnisotropyDirectionBasisChanged
Occurs when the AnisotropyDirectionBasis property value changes.
Public eventAnisotropyDirectionChanged
Occurs when the AnisotropyDirection property value changes.
Public eventBaseColorChanged
Occurs when the BaseColor property value changes.
Public eventBlendModeChanged
Occurs when the BlendMode property value changes.
Public eventCheckDecalSupportEvent
Public eventCheckDeferredShadingSupportEvent
Public eventCheckGISupportEvent
Public eventCheckReceiveDecalsSupportEvent
Public eventClearCoatChanged
Occurs when the ClearCoat property value changes.
Public eventClearCoatNormalChanged
Occurs when the ClearCoatNormal property value changes.
Public eventClearCoatRoughnessChanged
Occurs when the ClearCoatRoughness property value changes.
Public eventCloneEvent
Occurs when object is cloned.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventCloneSupportChanged
Occurs after changing value of CloneSupport property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentAdded
Occurs when a child component is added.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentRemoved
Occurs when a child component is removed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventComponentsChanged
Occurs when the set of children is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventCustomParameter1Changed
Occurs when the CustomParameter1 property value changes.
Public eventCustomParameter2Changed
Occurs when the CustomParameter2 property value changes.
Public eventDepthOffsetChanged
Occurs when the DepthOffset property value changes.
Public eventDepthOffsetModeChanged
Occurs when the DepthOffsetMode property value changes.
Public eventDisabledEvent
Occurs when the object is disabled from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisabledInSimulation
Occurs when the object is detached from a hierarchy of the components or is disabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisplacementChanged
Occurs when the Displacement property value changes.
Public eventDisplacementScaleChanged
Occurs when the DisplacementScale property value changes.
Public eventDisplacementTechniqueChanged
Occurs when the DisplacementTechnique property value changes.
Public eventDisplayInEditorChanged
Occurs when value of DisplayInEditor property is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDisposeEvent
Occurs when the object is disposed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEmissiveChanged
Occurs when the Emissive property value changes.
Public eventEnabledChanged
Occurs when the Enabled property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledEvent
Occurs when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledInHierarchyChanged
Occurs when the EnabledInHierarchy property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventEnabledInSimulation
Occurs when the object is attached to a hierarchy of the components and is enabled. The method is called only in simulation application. See also EnabledInHierarchy property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventFragmentCodeChanged
Occurs when the FragmentCode property value changes.
Public eventFragmentFunctionsChanged
Occurs when the FragmentFunctions property value changes.
Public eventLoadEvent
Occurs during object loading.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMemberBySignatureEvent
Occurs when the object metadata member is received by name.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMembersEvent
Occurs upon receipt of the object's metadata members.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetadataGetMembersFilterEvent
Occurs when filtering receive members of the object metadata.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventMetallicChanged
Occurs when the Metallic property value changes.
Public eventNameChanged
Occurs when component name is changed.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventNetworkModeChanged
Occurs when the NetworkMode property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventNormalChanged
Occurs when the Normal property value changes.
Public eventOpacityChanged
Occurs when the Opacity property value changes.
Public eventOpacityDitheringChanged
Occurs when the OpacityDithering property value changes.
Public eventOpacityMaskThresholdChanged
Occurs when the OpacityMaskThreshold property value changes.
Public eventPositionOffsetChanged
Occurs when the PositionOffset property value changes.
Public eventPreloadResourcesEvent
Occurs when preloading the resources used by the object.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventReceiveDecalsChanged
Occurs when the ReceiveDecals property value changes.
Public eventReceiveNetworkMessageFromClient (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventReceiveNetworkMessageFromServer (Inherited from Component.)
Public eventReceiveShadowsChanged
Occurs when the ReceiveShadows property value changes.
Public eventReflectanceChanged
Occurs when the Reflectance property value changes.
Public eventRemovedFromParent
Occurs when a component is removed from the parent.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventResultChanged
Occurs after changing the result value.
(Inherited from ResultCompileT.)
Public eventResultCompileBegin
Occurs before compiling the result.
(Inherited from ResultCompileT.)
Public eventResultCompileEnd
Occurs after the completion of the compilation of the result.
(Inherited from ResultCompileT.)
Public eventRoughnessChanged
Occurs when the Roughness property value changes.
Public eventSaveEvent
Occurs during object saving.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSaveSupportChanged
Occurs after changing value of SaveSupport property.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventScreenLabelChanged
Occurs when the ScreenLabel property value changes.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventShadingModelChanged
Occurs when the ShadingModel property value changes.
Public eventSheenColorChanged
Occurs when the SheenColor property value changes.
Public eventSimulationStep
Occurs during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSimulationStepClient
Occurs during the simulation step.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventSoftParticlesChanged
Occurs when the SoftParticles property value changes.
Public eventSoftParticlesDistanceChanged
Occurs when the SoftParticlesDistance property value changes.
Public eventStaticShadowsChanged
Occurs when the StaticShadows property value changes.
Public eventSubsurfaceColorChanged
Occurs when the SubsurfaceColor property value changes.
Public eventSubsurfacePowerChanged
Occurs when the SubsurfacePower property value changes.
Public eventTessellationQualityChanged
Occurs when the TessellationQuality property value changes.
Public eventThicknessChanged
Occurs when the Thickness property value changes.
Public eventTwoSidedChanged
Occurs when the TwoSided property value changes.
Public eventTwoSidedFlipNormalsChanged
Occurs when the TwoSidedFlipNormals property value changes.
Public eventUpdateEvent
Occurs during the update process of all objects.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventUseVertexColorChanged
Occurs when the UseVertexColor property value changes.
Public eventVertexCodeChanged
Occurs when the VertexCode property value changes.
Public eventVertexFunctionsChanged
Occurs when the VertexFunctions property value changes.
See Also