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KryptonPaletteTMSMenu Properties

The KryptonPaletteTMSMenu type exposes the following members.

Public propertyId
Gets the unique identifier of the object.
(Inherited from GlobalId.)
Public propertyImageMarginGradientBegin
Gets and sets the starting color of the gradient used in the image margin of a ToolStripDropDownMenu.
Public propertyImageMarginGradientEnd
Gets and sets the ending color of the gradient used in the image margin of a ToolStripDropDownMenu.
Public propertyImageMarginGradientMiddle
Gets and sets the middle color color of the gradient used in the image margin of a ToolStripDropDownMenu.
Public propertyImageMarginRevealedGradientBegin
Gets and sets the starting color of the gradient used in the image margin of a ToolStripDropDownMenu when an item is revealed.
Public propertyImageMarginRevealedGradientEnd
Gets and sets the ending color of the gradient used in the image margin of a ToolStripDropDownMenu when an item is revealed.
Public propertyImageMarginRevealedGradientMiddle
Gets and sets the middle color of the gradient used in the image margin of a ToolStripDropDownMenu when an item is revealed.
Public propertyIsDefault
Gets a value indicating if all values are default.
(Overrides StorageIsDefault.)
Public propertyMenuBorder
Gets and sets the color that is the border color to use on a MenuStrip.
Public propertyMenuItemBorder
Gets and sets the border color to use with a ToolStripMenuItem.
Public propertyMenuItemPressedGradientBegin
Gets and sets the starting color of the gradient used when a top-level ToolStripMenuItem is pressed.
Public propertyMenuItemPressedGradientEnd
Gets and sets the ending color of the gradient used when a top-level ToolStripMenuItem is pressed.
Public propertyMenuItemPressedGradientMiddle
Gets and sets the middle color of the gradient used when a top-level ToolStripMenuItem is pressed.
Public propertyMenuItemSelected
Gets and sets the solid color to use when a ToolStripMenuItem other than the top-level ToolStripMenuItem is selected.
Public propertyMenuItemSelectedGradientBegin
Gets and sets the starting color of the gradient used when the ToolStripMenuItem is selected.
Public propertyMenuItemSelectedGradientEnd
Gets and sets the ending color of the gradient used when the ToolStripMenuItem is selected.
Public propertyMenuItemText
Gets and sets the color to draw text for individual menu items.
Public propertyNeedPaint
Gets and sets the need paint delegate for notifying paint requests.
(Inherited from Storage.)
Protected propertyNeedPaintDelegate
Gets access to the need paint delegate.
(Inherited from Storage.)
See Also