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Internal.tainicom.Aether.Physics2D.Collision.Shapes Namespace

Public classChainShape
A chain shape is a free form sequence of line segments. The chain has two-sided collision, so you can use inside and outside collision. Therefore, you may use any winding order. Connectivity information is used to create smooth collisions. WARNING: The chain will not collide properly if there are self-intersections.
Public classCircleShape
A circle shape.
Public classEdgeShape
A line segment (edge) shape. These can be connected in chains or loops to other edge shapes. The connectivity information is used to ensure correct contact normals.
Public classPolygonShape
Represents a simple non-selfintersecting convex polygon. Create a convex hull from the given array of points.
Public classShape
A shape is used for collision detection. You can create a shape however you like. Shapes used for simulation in World are created automatically when a Fixture is created. Shapes may encapsulate a one or more child shapes.
Public structureMassData
This holds the mass data computed for a shape.
Public enumerationShapeType