Click or drag to resize

Internal.ComponentFactory.Krypton.Docking Namespace

Public classAutoHiddenGroupEventArgs
Event arguments for a AutoHiddenGroupAdding/AutoHiddenGroupRemoved events.
Public classAutoHiddenGroupPanelEventArgs
Event arguments for a AutoHiddenGroupPanelAdding/AutoHiddenGroupPanelRemoved events.
Public classAutoHiddenSeparatorResizeEventArgs
Event arguments for a AutoHiddenSeparatorResize event.
Public classAutoHiddenShowingStateEventArgs
Event arguments for the change in auto hidden page showing state.
Public classCancelDropDownEventArgs
Event arguments for cancellable events that need to provide a unique name and context menu.
Public classCancelUniqueNameEventArgs
Event arguments for events that need to provide a unique name but can be cancelled.
Public classCloseRequestEventArgs
Event arguments for the PageCloseRequest event.
Public classContextPageEventArgs
Event arguments for events that need a page and context menu.
Public classDockableNavigatorEventArgs
Event arguments for a DockableNavigatorEventArgs event.
Public classDockableWorkspaceCellEventArgs
Event arguments for a DockableWorkspaceCellAdding/DockableWorkspaceCellRemoving events.
Public classDockableWorkspaceEventArgs
Event arguments for a DockableWorkspaceRemoved event.
Public classDockGlobalLoadingEventArgs
Event data for loading global docking configuration.
Public classDockGlobalSavingEventArgs
Event data for saving global docking configuration.
Public classDockingDragManager
Manage a docking dragging operation.
Public classDockingDragTargetProvider
Provides the set of drag targets relevent to the set of pages being moved.
Public classDockingElement
Implements base docking element functionality.
Public classDockingElementClosedCollection
Extends base functionality by allowing a collection of child docking elements.
Public classDockingElementOpenCollection
Extends base functionality by allowing a collection of child docking elements.
Public classDockingHelper
Set of common helper routines for Docking functionality
Public classDockingManagerStrings
Storage for docking managee strings.
Public classDockingMultiUpdate
Helper class used inside a 'using' statement to notify start and end of a multi-part update.
Public classDockPageLoadingEventArgs
Event data for loading docking page configuration.
Public classDockPageSavingEventArgs
Event data for saving docking page configuration.
Public classDockspaceCellEventArgs
Event arguments for a DockspaceCellAdding/DockspaceCellRemoving events.
Public classDockspaceEventArgs
Event arguments for a DockspaceAdding/DockspaceRemoved events.
Public classDockspaceSeparatorEventArgs
Event arguments for a DockspaceSeparatorAdding/DockspaceSeparatorRemoved event.
Public classDockspaceSeparatorResizeEventArgs
Event arguments for a DockspaceSeparatorResize event.
Public classDragTargetControlEdge
Target one of the four sides of a docking control.
Public classDragTargetNull
Target that never matches and so acts as a null drag target.
Public classFloatingWindowEventArgs
Event arguments for a FloatingWindowAdding/FloatingWindowRemoved event.
Public classFloatspaceCellEventArgs
Event arguments for a FloatspaceCellAdding/FloatingCellRemoving events.
Public classFloatspaceEventArgs
Event arguments for a FloatspaceAdding/FloatspaceRemoved event.
Public classKryptonAutoHiddenGroup
Extends the KryptonNavigator to work as a docking auto hidden group control.
Public classKryptonAutoHiddenPanel
Extends the KryptonPanel to work as a panel for hosting KryptonAutoHiddenGroup controls.
Public classKryptonAutoHiddenProxyPage
Acts as a proxy for a KryptonPage inside a auto hidden group.
Public classKryptonAutoHiddenSlidePanel
Extends the KryptonPanel to work as a panel for hosting the display of a sliding in/out page.
Public classKryptonDockableNavigator
Extends the KryptonNavigator to work within the docking framework.
Public classKryptonDockableWorkspace
Extends the KryptonWorkspace to work within the docking framework.
Public classKryptonDockingAutoHiddenGroup
Provides display and docking functionality for a group of auto hidden pages.
Public classKryptonDockingControl
Provides docking functionality for a control instance.
Public classKryptonDockingDockspace
Provides docking functionality within a control edge using a KryptonDockspace.
Public classKryptonDockingEdge
Provides docking functionality for a specific edge of a control.
Public classKryptonDockingEdgeAutoHidden
Provides auto hidden docking funtionality against a specific control edge.
Public classKryptonDockingEdgeDocked
Provides edge docking functionality for a control using child dockspace control instances.
Public classKryptonDockingFloating
Provides docking functionality for floating windows.
Public classKryptonDockingFloatingWindow
Provides docking functionality for a floating window that contains just a dockspace.
Public classKryptonDockingFloatspace
Provides docking functionality within a floating window using a KryptonFloatspace.
Public classKryptonDockingManager
Manages a hierarchy of docking elements to provide docking windows functionality.
Public classKryptonDockingNavigator
Provides docking functionality by attaching to an existing KryptonDockableNavigator
Public classKryptonDockingSpace
Base class for docking elements that manage a KryptonSpace derived class.
Public classKryptonDockingWorkspace
Provides docking functionality by attaching to an existing KryptonDockableWorkspace
Public classKryptonDockspace
Extends the KryptonWorkspace to work within the docking edge of a control.
Public classKryptonDockspaceSeparator
Extends the KryptonSeparator so work between dockspace entries on a control edge.
Public classKryptonDockspaceSlide
Extends the KryptonWorkspace to work within the docking edge of a control.
Public classKryptonFloatingWindow
Extends the KryptonForm to act as a floating window within the docking framework.
Public classKryptonFloatspace
Extends the KryptonWorkspace to work within the docking floating window.
Public classKryptonSpace
Extends the KryptonWorkspace with common functionality shared by various docking implementations.
Protected classKryptonSpaceCachedCellState
State cached per-cell within the workspace.
Protected classKryptonSpaceCellToCachedState
Lookup between a cell and the cell state.
Public classKryptonStorePage
Acts as a placeholder for a KryptonPage so that it can be restored to this location at a later time.
Public classPagesEventArgs
Event arguments for events that need to provide a colletion of pages.
Public classScreenAndOffsetEventArgs
Event arguments for events that need a screen point and element offset.
Public classStorePageEventArgs
Event arguments for events that need to provide a store page reference.
Public classUniqueNameEventArgs
Event arguments for events that need to provide a unique name.
Public classUniqueNamesEventArgs
Event arguments for events that need to provide a set of unique names.
Public interfaceIDockingElement
Interface exposed by elements within the docking hierarchy.
Public interfaceIFloatingMessages
Interface exposed by elements that provide floating messages.
Public enumerationDockingAutoHiddenShowState
Specifies the sliding state of a docked auto hidden page.
Public enumerationDockingCloseRequest
Specifies the action to take when a docking close is required.
Public enumerationDockingEdge
Specifies a docking edge of a control.
Public enumerationDockingLocation
Specifies the current docking location of a page.
Public enumerationDockingPropogateAction
Specifies a docking propogate action.
Public enumerationDockingPropogateBoolState
Specifies a docking propogate for boolean state.
Public enumerationDockingPropogateCellList
Specifies a docking propogate for cell list.
Public enumerationDockingPropogateIntState
Specifies a docking propogate for integer state.
Public enumerationDockingPropogatePageList
Specifies a docking propogate for page list.
Public enumerationDockingPropogatePageState
Specifies a docking propogate for page references.